OpenLB 1.7
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explicitFiniteDifference Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for explicitFiniteDifference:




 Groups all the 2D include files in the explicitFiniteDifference directory.
 Groups all the generic 2D template files in the explicitFiniteDifference directory.
 Groups all the 3D include files in the explicitFiniteDifference directory.
 Groups all the generic 3D template files in the explicitFiniteDifference directory.
 Access functions to access the correct element of the finite-difference external field.
 Descriptor field to store the advection-diffusion field(s): element[0] -> old timestep; element[1] -> current timestep – header file.
 Finite-difference models.
 Finite-difference models.
 2D postprocessor to locally update the finite-diffusion advection-diffusion external field.
 2D postprocessor to locally update the finite-diffusion advection-diffusion external field.
 3D postprocessor to locally update the finite-diffusion advection-diffusion external field.
 3D postprocessor to locally update the finite-diffusion advection-diffusion external field.
 Generic functions for the finite-difference differentiation schemes.
 Base structure for all tags labelling specific differenciation schemes for finite-difference – header file.
 Updater processors for finite-difference external fields: they copy the FIELD[1] to FIELD[0] entries.
 postprocessor to set finite-diference postprocessors.
 postprocessor to set finite-diference postprocessors.
 postprocessor to set finite-diference postprocessors.
 postprocessor to set finite-diference postprocessors.