Reply To: Natural convection in square cavity : trouble with the discretization
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › Natural convection in square cavity : trouble with the discretization › Reply To: Natural convection in square cavity : trouble with the discretization
Dear Shota,
Thank you for your answer and for your help proposal. I take advantage of your offer of assistance to introduce you my problem. In the “squareCavity2d” example, I would like to impose a temperature profile (as a polynomial function T = f(x) where x is the horizontal position from the origin) on the two horizontal walls. The aim is to compare the OPEN LB results with the experimental data obtained by Ampofo & Karayiannis (2003). Could you please give me an example of code lines to insert into the data set or refer me to an example of the OPEN LB databank with this kind of boundary condition ?
Best regards
Hervé Mutelle