Reply To: Natural convection in square cavity : trouble with the discretization
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › Natural convection in square cavity : trouble with the discretization › Reply To: Natural convection in square cavity : trouble with the discretization
Dear Hervé Mutelle,
in the squareCavity2d example the wall is a simple straight wall. In this case, you can define your own AnalyticalFunctor to prescribe a function for the temperature depending on the position.
Please refer to the example/advectionDiffusionReaction/convectedPlate3d. There a custom AnalyticalFunctor with the name ConvPlate3D which computes the analytical solution as a function of the spatial coordinates. This is done by the operator() function taking the spatial coordinates via input[] and passes the results via output[].
Using the same technique you can define a function for the wall and pass that functor to initEquilibrium and defineRho for the material numbers of the wall.
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,