Reply To: STL porous media loading
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › STL porous media loading › Reply To: STL porous media loading
Dear araeli,
I believe the following examples may help you:
– examples/laminar/cylinder3d
– examples/particles/bifurcation3d
– examples/adsorption/microMixer3d
– examples/turbulence/aorta3d
– examples/porousMedia/city3d
In general, it is also helpful to check the documentation:
– User guide: (3.4. Reading STL-files)
– Doxygen:
The voxelSize
should usually be converter.getConversionFactorLength()
. However, the stlSize
(3. parameter) depends on your STL. If your STL is in meter, it should be 1
. If your STL is in millimeter, it should be 1e-3
, etc. Therefore, 1e-6 should be correct in your case.
What error do you get exactly and what are the dimensions of your geometry? Are you certain that each dimension is resolved sufficiently?
Best regards,