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Reply To: porous medium simulation issue


Hi Martin,
I think you can start with resolvedRock3d example and do very little modification to get your task done. I am a beginner in olb and I’m trying to learn from the relevant examples, user guide and code base.

Start with the resolvedRock3d example. There, the pressure difference is applied in the x direction and both y and z are periodic(line#367). If you don’t want to to edit the code, you can rotate your geometry (in paraview or other) in such a manner that your old z is new x.

I am not sure if you need to specify a different material number for all the lateral surfaces and assign bounce back boundary condition to have no flow in those faces.

In olb, BC is assigned for each material number. Assigning material number is done in the prepareGeometry function(#97). Initially the material number everywhere will be 0. Zero is replaced everywhere by 2 in #105 by “superGeometry.rename(0, 2);”

For the left x face, material number 2 is replaced by 3 and is termed inflow (# 111-115). Similarly, right x face, outflow is defined replacing 2 by 4(#118-122). As I mentioned earlier, you might want to define lateral faces in this way and assign material number 2. Material number 2 is given bounce back BC later in the code. Someone more knowledgeable will be able to comment if this is required or not.
Start experimenting and do update in the thread.
