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Reply To: porous medium simulation issue


Hi all,

thanks again for the valuable input.

Just a few additional thoughts on this (or maybe just reiterating what nipinl said in other words):

If you don’t want the periodic boundary, then you should turn it off, as nipinl mentioned, by setting everything to false cuboidGeometry.setPeriodicity(false, false, false); or just remove the line (it’s off by default).

I haven’t tested it, maybe you’re lucky and the current implementation already sets the walls correctly. However, you should make sure it does by checking the material numbers (the wall should be 2). If it doesn’t, then you should add a single layer of material number 2 to all 4 faces in prepareGeometry, similar to the inflow and outflow. Note that the superGeometry.clean(); has the potential to mess up the material numbers, so if you need to change something, you might want to turn it off first. Otherwise the changes are sometimes harder to evaluate with clean enabled.

Best regards,