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Reply To: Modifying field values for neighboring cells inside a postprocessor

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Modifying field values for neighboring cells inside a postprocessor Reply To: Modifying field values for neighboring cells inside a postprocessor


Thank you Adrian, for the detailed explanation and also the important notes on parallelization aspects.

I am working on a verification case involving a single bubble rising in a liquid column, using free-surface dynamics. The example works so far, with reasonable errors compared to experimental data. However, OpenLB’s free-surface implementation lacks a bubble model that enforces constant bubble pressure, which may explain the discrepancies observed. I am now attempting to implement a bubble model, starting with detecting bubbles in the domain by assigning a unique tag to cells belonging to each bubble. To achieve this, I plan to implement an algorithm like flood-fill to detect connected regions (neighboring gas and interface cells) and store their IDs in a global shared structure. Here’s the pseudo-code outlining the algorithm:

// Start tagging process
int currentTag = 1;

for each cell in cells
if ((cell.isGasOrInterface()) && (!cell.hasTag()))
// Add the cell to the queue and assign it a unique tag

// Process the queue
while (!queue.empty())
// Get the next cell from the queue
Cell currentCell = queue.front();

// Get the face neighbors of the current cell
for each neighbor in currentCell.getFaceNeighbors()
if ((neighbor.isGasOrInterface()) && (!neighbor.hasTag()))
// If the neighbor is gas or interface and has no tag, add to queue

// Increment the tag for the next group of cells

So the purpose of the list is to enable searching for the connected cells, if they are gas or interface.

Best regards,