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Reply To: Different Diffusion Coefficients in one Simulation

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Different Diffusion Coefficients in one Simulation Reply To: Different Diffusion Coefficients in one Simulation


Hey, thanks. Unfortunately I realized, that something is wrong with my AD Lattice in general and its not because of the coupling. If i choose a small Diffusioncoefficient i get a kind of grainyness on AD lattice. I of course tried increasing the resolution but this didn’t make any difference. This is the output of my AD Unit Converter:
UnitConverter information

—————– UnitConverter information —————–
— Parameters:
Resolution: N= 15
Lattice velocity: latticeU= 6.66667e-07
Lattice relaxation frequency: omega= 2
Lattice relaxation time: tau= 0.500001
Characteristical length(m): charL= 0.01
Characteristical speed(m/s): charU= 0.001
Phys. diffusivity (m^2/s): charNu= 3.33333e-07
Phys. density(kg/m^d): charRho= 1
Characteristical pressure(N/m^2): charPressure= 0
Mach number: machNumber= 1.1547e-06
Knudsen number: knudsenNumber= 3.849e-08
Peclet Number: Pe= 30

— Conversion factors:
Voxel length(m): physDeltaX= 0.000666667
Time step(s): physDeltaT= 4.44444e-07
Velocity factor(m/s): physVelocity= 1500
Density factor(kg/m^3): physDensity= 1
Mass factor(kg): physMass= 2.96296e-10
Diffusion factor(m^2/s): physDiffusion= 1
Force factor(N): physForce= 1

I would be very thankful for any ideas.