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Reply To: Problems of Resolved Particles with Periodic Boundary

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Problems of Resolved Particles with Periodic Boundary Reply To: Problems of Resolved Particles with Periodic Boundary


Dear Jan,

I want the resolved particles to collide with the walls in the channel, so I need solid boundaries at both the top and bottom. My fluid and particles are set to be periodic in the x and y directions. However, if I use the code mentioned earlier, it indeed causes particle rebound in the x and y directions due to walls surrounding all sides. The problem now is that I don’t know how to properly set up the walls.

I only found “SuperIndicatorMaterial,” but it cannot be directly used to define the walls due to material mismatches. As you mentioned, “IndicatorCuboid” seems to define only one side of the wall, but I need walls on both the top and bottom. Regarding your suggestion to provide sufficient thickness, is it reflected in “5 * converter.getPhysDeltaX()”? However, based on my tests, particles rebound off the surrounding walls, and changing this parameter does not affect the simulation results.

const unsigned latticeMaterial = 2; //Material number of wall
const unsigned contactMaterial = 0; //Material identifier (only relevant for contact model)
SolidBoundary<T,3> wall( std::make_unique<IndicInverse<T, DESCRIPTOR::d>>(
cuboid, cuboid.getMin() – 5 * converter.getPhysDeltaX(),
cuboid.getMax() + 5 * converter.getPhysDeltaX()),
latticeMaterial, contactMaterial );


Best regards,