Reply To: Modifying field values for neighboring cells inside a postprocessor
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › Modifying field values for neighboring cells inside a postprocessor › Reply To: Modifying field values for neighboring cells inside a postprocessor
What do you mean by “their tasks”?
The order in which post processors are added (meaning the calls to addPostProcessor) does not matter for the execution. The execution is ordered first by stage and then by priority. Post processors (or “tasks”) that share the same stage and priority are executed in parallel, platform permitting.
I understand that, for instance, the freeSurfacePostProcessor3D includes five individual post-processors, each of which must define a priority and implement the apply method. I just wanted to confirm that my understanding of your previous answer was correct. In doing so, I used the terms task and post-processor interchangeably.
Thank you for your clear and detailed explanation.