I made no modifications, but when running the cavity3d case in OpenLB, the program does not converge.
`prepareGeometry] Prepare Geometry … OK
[prepareLattice] Prepare Lattice …
[prepareLattice] Prepare Lattice … OK
[setBoundaryValues] 0.1
[ValueTracer] simulation diverged.
[main] Simulation converged.
[ValueTracer] simulation diverged.
[Timer] Lattice-Timesteps | CPU time/estim | REAL time/estim | ETA | MLUPs
[Timer] 300/ 30000 ( 1%) | 0.79/ 79.04 | 0.79/ 79.00 | 79 | 10.25
[LatticeStatistics] step=300; t=1; uMax=0.1; avEnergy=-nan; avRho=nan