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Compressible flow model

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  • #9651

    Dear OpenLB Team and comunity,
    I am looking to simulate compressible gas flow in internal and external flows,
    I have only seen old quastitions on this topic in the forum, and I have hoped that progress has been done on this topic in the OLB community

    Reading online I have seen a few publication dealing, namely:
    – Compressible lattice Boltzmann methods with adaptive velocity stencils: An interpolation-free formulation
    by: Christophe Coreixas and Jonas Latt (from 2020)
    – A simplified discrete unified gas–kinetic scheme for compressible flow
    by: Mingliang Zhong and Sen Zou (from 2021)
    – An efficient lattice Boltzmann method for compressible aerodynamics on D3Q19 lattice
    by: S. Guo, Yongliang Feng and Jérôme Jacob (2021)
    – Lattice Boltzmann Method for high Reynolds number compressible flow
    by: Si Bui Quang Tran and Fong Yew Leong (2022)
    – Probing double distribution function models in the lattice Boltzmann method for highly compressible flows
    by: S. A. Hosseini and A. Bhadauria
    – A lattice Boltzmann model for simulation of compressible flows
    by: Kai Li1 and Chengwen Zhong (2014)
    by: BING HE and YINGCHUN CHEN (2012)
    And so many others….

    It would be great to see an example of such a case,



    Yes, that would be great. You could contribute an example yourself using olb-release or/and you join the OpenLB core devolper team..


    This sounds like a great project, it might take me some time but I’m definitely up for the challenge
    (We both know it won’t be done by the end of next week 😊)

    Since this might also contribute to the OpenLB community, I would probably need to know two things in advance:

    a) What is the preferred way to go ?, I can base this on several different publications, including
    Abhimanyu Bhadauria work from ETH, Florian Renard work, or Thyagarajan Karthik work form the university
    of Geneva that was also implemented in STLBM.
    Any good suggestion ??

    b) Would anyone from the community like to take part and collaborate on this project?


    Hello Tal,

    I have already done some pre-work for the two-population approach for compressible flows.
    You can contact me if you want to work further on this topic.

    Best wishes


    Dear Fedor,
    Sorry for the late reply, I wanted to do some reading before answering

    Initially I was aiming to start with S. Gus’s work for high speed compressible flow in subsonic and later supersonic regimes.

    but I completely understand that for an effective compressible flow model we need the following
    – Compresible LBM method for collision and dynamics
    – Turbulence and wall modeling
    – Preferably hardware agnostic code that supports both CPU and GPU
    – Adaptive mesh !!!!!!

    And I’m gussing you opted to go with the two-population compressible lattice boltzmann method since we currently don’t have an adaptive mesh implemented

    Is this correct ?

    It would be great to understand what pre-work you have made
    But I guess we could discuss this by email


    Dear Tal,

    yes, just contact me per email.

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