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  • #9367

    Dear Community
    In this computeEquilibrium , the first order is used to calculate the equilibrium state distribution function,However, the bgkCollision called by the calculation of uSqr is a second-order equilibrium distribution function.The code below is in ParticleAdvectionDiffusionBGKdynamics. thank you
    { V uSqr = lbm<DESCRIPTOR>::bgkCollision(cell, rho, adjusted_u, omega);
    return {rho, uSqr};

    T computeEquilibrium(int iPop, T rho, const T adjusted_u[DESCRIPTOR::d]) const override
    return equilibrium<DESCRIPTOR>::template firstOrder(iPop, rho, adjusted_u);


    This could be a bug introduced during the adaptation from the old style. Usually we formulate collisions using our dynamics tuple approach where the old lbm<DESCRIPTOR> helpers are not used.

    You can just replace the call to bgkCollision with adeBgkCollision.

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