Hello Adrian,
The issue is fixed now. Thank you for patience and time. I really appreciate it.
Here is the code snippet:
int latticeNew[3];
T physNew[2];
ofstream pfile9;
pfile9 <<“phys_x,”<<“phys_y,”<<“i,” << “j” <<endl;
// cout<<“——-Convert Physical coordinates to Lattice coordinates———-“<<endl;
for (int iC=0; iC < cuboidGeometry.getNc(); ++iC)
for (int iX=0; iX < cuboidGeometry.get(iC).getNx(); ++iX)
for (int iY=0; iY < cuboidGeometry.get(iC).getNy(); ++iY)
physNew[0] = x_phys[iC][iX][iY];
physNew[1] = y_phys[iC][iX][iY];
cuboidGeometry.getLatticeR(latticeNew, physNew);
Thank you.
Your sincerely,
Abhijeet C.