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Material assignment (indicator) is changed along voxel resolution

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Material assignment (indicator) is changed along voxel resolution

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  • #9575

    Dear OpenLB users and developers,

    I have trouble with making a proper indicator.

    The original problem is shown in the below figure.
    Material 3 (defined using cylinder3D indicator) is not defined as wanted.
    You can see figures by following the procedure: right click of small figure icon and click open in the new tab.


    I could not find any problems in my code, so I changed the voxel resolution with just a small hope.
    The original case is N = 20 which means 20 voxels in the radius of the large pipe.


    I use N = 23. Then, Indicator for material 5 does not work properly, and material 3 still has the problem.


    When I set N = 50, material 5 becomes fine (not shown in above figure), but material 3 is still not good as you can see.

    I make cylinder3D indicator similar to “aorta3D” case. Define a circle with a fixed center position (x1, y1, z1), set normal and radius, and extend 2 voxels to generate cylinder shapes.

    Could you suggest solution for these problems?
    1: indicator for material 3
    2: indicator changes along resolution of voxel.

    Best regards,


    I solve the problem.

    1. Load the original mesh (mesh_1) using FreeCAD
    2. Generate part (solid) from the original mesh (mesh_1)
    3. Make mesh (mesh_2) using the generated part (solid)
    4. Use mesh_2 instead of mesh_1

    Then everything becomes fine.

    I don’t know the exact reason. It seems the original mesh is not watertight, which is the only possible guess in my mind, while I cannot find any errors and suspicious parts.

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