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Pressure Boundary condition on a curved surface.

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Pressure Boundary condition on a curved surface.

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  • #9552

    Dear Community,

    I would like to simulate a system as shown in the following cartoon.

    Boundary condition

    The boundaries of the system are held at a pressure P. Inside, I have a curved region which I would like to hold at a slightly lower pressure P-\Delta P such as the fluid will flow towards the curved geometry.

    Is this possible to do this in Lattice Boltzmann method/ OpenLB?




    I am trying to use Zou He boundary condition to implement this.

    I define a sphere as a new material.

    std::shared_ptr<IndicatorF3D<T>> sphere = std::make_shared<IndicatorSphere3D<T>>(origin,4*dx);

    Then the code throws a segmentation fault in this command.


      1 [users-MBP:77478] Signal: Segmentation fault: 11 (11)
      2 [users-MBP:77478] Signal code: Invalid permissions (2)
      3 [users-MBP:77478] Failing at address: 0x0
      4 [users-MBP:77478] [ 0] 0   libsystem_platform.dylib            0x0000000182f45a24 _sigtramp + 56
      5 [users-MBP:77478] [ 1] 0   PhaseFieldHeatEquation              0x0000000100904f80 _ZZN3olb24setZouHePressureBoundaryIdNS_11descriptors5D3Q19IJNS1_8POROSITYEEEENS_8dynamics5TupleIdS4_NS_7momenta5TupleINS    7_11BulkDensityENS7_12BulkMomentumENS7_10BulkStressENS7_11DefineToNEqEEENS_10equilibria11SecondOrderENS_9collision3BGKENS5_18DefaultCombinationEEEEEvRNS_12BlockLatticeIT_T0_EESL_RNS_17BlockIndicatorF3DI    SL_EEbENKUlSL_SM_T1_E_clIiiiEEDaSL_SM_SS_ + 308
      6 [users-MBP:77478] [ 2] 0   PhaseFieldHeatEquation              0x0000000100904dec _ZN3olb24setZouHePressureBoundaryIdNS_11descriptors5D3Q19IJNS1_8POROSITYEEEENS_8dynamics5TupleIdS4_NS_7momenta5TupleINS7    _11BulkDensityENS7_12BulkMomentumENS7_10BulkStressENS7_11DefineToNEqEEENS_10equilibria11SecondOrderENS_9collision3BGKENS5_18DefaultCombinationEEEEEvRNS_12BlockLatticeIT_T0_EESL_RNS_17BlockIndicatorF3DIS    L_EEb + 220
      7 [users-MBP:77478] [ 3] 0   PhaseFieldHeatEquation              0x0000000100904b34 _ZN3olb24setZouHePressureBoundaryIdNS_11descriptors5D3Q19IJNS1_8POROSITYEEEENS_8dynamics5TupleIdS4_NS_7momenta5TupleINS7    _11BulkDensityENS7_12BulkMomentumENS7_10BulkStressENS7_11DefineToNEqEEENS_10equilibria11SecondOrderENS_9collision3BGKENS5_18DefaultCombinationEEEEEvRNS_12SuperLatticeIT_T0_EESL_ONS_10FunctorPtrINS_17Sup    erIndicatorF3DISL_EEEE + 340
      8 [users-MBP:77478] [ 4] 0   PhaseFieldHeatEquation              0x00000001008d3234 _ZN3olb24setZouHePressureBoundaryIdNS_11descriptors5D3Q19IJNS1_8POROSITYEEEENS_8dynamics5TupleIdS4_NS_7momenta5TupleINS7    _11BulkDensityENS7_12BulkMomentumENS7_10BulkStressENS7_11DefineToNEqEEENS_10equilibria11SecondOrderENS_9collision3BGKENS5_18DefaultCombinationEEEEEvRNS_12SuperLatticeIT_T0_EESL_RNS_13SuperGeometryISL_Lj    3EEEi + 84
      9 [users-MBP:77478] [ 5] 0   PhaseFieldHeatEquation              0x00000001008d2170 main + 2332
     10 [users-MBP:77478] [ 6] 0   dyld                                0x0000000182b950e0 start + 2360
     11 [users-MBP:77478] *** End of error message ***
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 2 days ago by avrachan.

    THere is no pressure boundary condition for curved boundaries implemented!

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