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Reynolds stresses averaged

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  • #9469

    Dear commmunity:
    I want to do spatial and time averaging and also Favre averaging. I used to do these things outside the openlb with python script, it’s kind of unconvenient.
    I noticed there is SuperLatticeTimeAvergaed code. Is there any code I can used to do spatial and time averaging and Favre averaging.


    Currently, there is no code for spatial or Favre averaging in the released version. However, within the code of SuperLatticeTimeAveraged, it is possible to perform time-averaging for density, the physical quantity you want to observe, and the product of density and the physical quantity. This makes it feasible to calculate Favre averages.

    For spatial averaging, since SuperLatticeTimeAveragedF3D inherits from SuperF3D, operator() is available. By inputting the coordinates of the physical quantity, it outputs the time-averaged data at that specific point. You can retrieve the time-averaged values at desired spatial locations and then spatially average the time-averaged values.

    If you have a working version, please share with the community using the public OpenLB git!

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