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Using setBouzidiAdeDirichlet BC properly

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  • #9772

    Hi all,
    I’m currently working on an example with curved walls for thermal BC
    so I can’t use the setAdvectionDiffusionTemperatureBoundary BC

    After reading “Boundary conditions for thermal lattice Boltzmann equation method” by Like Li, and
    related posts on the forum, I would like to use the setBouzidiAdeDirichlet BC instead,
    but could not find any example on how to use it properly

    from DoxyGen I know that the definition needs to be:
    setBouzidiAdeDirichlet<T,DESCRIPTOR>(sLattice, superGeometry.getMaterialIndicator(material), phi_d, bulkMaterials);

    but I’m doing something wrong, since Im getting an error stating that:
    no matching function for call to ‘setBouzidiAdeDirichlet<T, TDESCRIPTOR>(olb::SuperLattice<double, olb::descriptors::D3Q7<olb::descriptors::VELOCITY, olb::descriptors::TEMPERATURE> >&, olb::SuperGeometry<double, 3>&, int, olb::STLreader<double>&)’

    It will really help if somone can give a short example on how to properly define this BC ?


    Hi talco,

    in the following a short example on how to use the bouzidiAdeBoundary:

    void prepareADLattice( SuperLattice<T,RADDESCRIPTOR>& adLattice,
                           AdeUnitConverter<T,RADDESCRIPTOR> const& adConverter,
                           STLreader<T>& stlReader,
                           SuperGeometry<T,3>& superGeometry)
      auto bulkIndicator = superGeometry.getMaterialIndicator({1});
      // Boundary conditions
      setBouzidiBoundary<T,RADDESCRIPTOR,BouzidiAdeDirichletPostProcessor>(adLattice, superGeometry, 5, stlReader);
      // Initial conditions
      AnalyticalConst3D<T,T> tempA( 10. );
      Vector<T,3> velocityV;
      AnalyticalConst3D<T,T> uF(velocityV);
      adLattice.defineRho( superGeometry, 5, tempA);
      adLattice.iniEquilibrium(superGeometry, 5, tempA, uF);
      setBouzidiAdeDirichlet(adLattice, superGeometry, 5, tempA);
      adLattice.template setParameter<descriptors::OMEGA>(adConverter.getLatticeRelaxationFrequencyFromDiffusivity<RADDESCRIPTOR>(D));

    I hope this helps.


    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 2 days ago by shota.

    Dear Shota,
    It worked out great,
    Thanks for helping, it’s really appreciated


    Hi Shota,
    Just noticed that following the change, multiprocessing doesn’t work
    It only runs on a single core
    Is this to be expected with the implementation of this BC ?


    Dear talco,

    no that should not be the case.
    Could you provide more details on how it is not working, e.g. simulation crashes, or the like?


    Dear Shota,
    I did some checking and found that it was a system problem on my side
    So it worked out great after all,
    Thanks again for your help,

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