OpenLB 1.7
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olb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for olb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE >, including all inherited members.

calcMofiAndMass(T rhoP) overrideolb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE >
getLocalCenter()olb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE >
getVolume() overrideolb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE >
operator()(T output[], const S input[]) overrideolb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE >
regardCell(int input[3])olb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE >
signedDistance(const PhysR< S, 3 > input) overrideolb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE >
SmoothIndicatorCustom3D(T latticeSpacing, std::shared_ptr< IndicatorF3D< T > > indPtr, Vector< T, 3 > pos, T epsilon, Vector< T, 3 > theta=Vector< T, 3 >(0.))olb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE >
surfaceNormal(const Vector< S, 3 > &pos, const S meshSize) overrideolb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE >
surfaceNormal(const Vector< S, 3 > &pos, const S meshSize, std::function< Vector< S, 3 >(const Vector< S, 3 > &)> transformPos) overrideolb::SmoothIndicatorCustom3D< T, S, PARTICLE >