OpenLB 1.7
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* This file is part of the OpenLB library
2 *
3 * Copyright (C) 2016 Thomas Henn, Davide Dapelo
4 * E-mail contact:
5 * The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
6 * <>
7 *
8 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
11 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
19 * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
20 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
21 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22 */
27#include <cassert>
28#define shadows
30#include <utility>
31#include <string>
32#include <array>
33#include <iomanip>
34#include <ios>
35#include <iostream>
36#include <random>
37#include "io/fileName.h"
40#ifndef M_PI
41#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
44namespace olb {
46 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
48 CuboidGeometry3D<T>& cuboidGeometry, LoadBalancer<T>& loadBalancer,
49 SuperGeometry<T,3>& superGeometry)
50 : SuperStructure<T,3>(cuboidGeometry, loadBalancer,
51 superGeometry.getOverlap()),
52 clout(std::cout, "SuperParticleSystem3d"),
53 _superGeometry(superGeometry),
54 _overlap(0)
55 {
56 init();
57 }
59 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
61 SuperGeometry<T,3>& superGeometry)
62 : SuperStructure<T,3>(superGeometry.getCuboidGeometry(),
63 superGeometry.getLoadBalancer(),
64 superGeometry.getOverlap()),
65 clout(std::cout, "SuperParticleSystem3d"),
66 _superGeometry(superGeometry),
67 _overlap(0)
68 {
69 init();
70 }
72 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
74 {
75 int rank = 0;
76 int size = 0;
78 _stopSorting = 0;
81 rank = singleton::mpi().getRank();
82 size = singleton::mpi().getSize();
84 for (int i = 0; i < this->_cuboidGeometry.getNc(); ++i) {
85 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(i) == rank) {
86 auto dummy = new ParticleSystem3D<T, PARTICLETYPE>(i, _superGeometry);
87 std::vector<T> physPos = toStdVector(this->_cuboidGeometry.get(i).getOrigin());
88 std::vector<T> physExtend(3, 0);
89 T physR = this->_cuboidGeometry.get(i).getDeltaR();
90 for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
91 physPos[j] -= .5 * physR;
92 physExtend[j] = (this->_cuboidGeometry.get(i).getExtent()[j] + 1)
93 * physR;
94 }
95 dummy->setPosExt(physPos, physExtend);
96 _pSystems.push_back(dummy);
97 }
98 }
101 for (int i = 0; i < this->_cuboidGeometry.getNc(); ++i) {
102 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(i) == rank) {
103 std::vector<int> dummy;
104 this->getCuboidGeometry().getNeighbourhood(i, dummy, 3);
105 _rankNeighbours.insert(_rankNeighbours.end(), dummy.begin(), dummy.end());
106 _cuboidNeighbours.push_back(dummy);
107 }
108 }
109 for (auto& N : _rankNeighbours) {
110 N = this->_loadBalancer.rank(N);
111 }
114 /* Ein jeder ist sein eigener Nachbar*/
115 if (rank == 0) {
116 _rankNeighbours.push_back(size - 1);
117 }
118 if (rank == size - 1) {
119 _rankNeighbours.push_back(0);
120 }
121 _rankNeighbours.push_back(rank);
122 _rankNeighbours.sort();
123 _rankNeighbours.unique();
124 }
126 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
129 : SuperStructure<T,3>(spSys._cuboidGeometry, spSys._loadBalancer,
130 int(spSys._overlap)),
131 clout(std::cout, "SuperParticleSystem3d"),
132 _pSystems(spSys._pSystems),
133 _superGeometry(spSys._superGeometry),
134 _rankNeighbours(spSys._rankNeighbours),
135 _overlap(spSys._overlap)
136 {
137 }
139 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
142 : SuperStructure<T,3>(spSys._cuboidGeometry, spSys._loadBalancer,
143 int(spSys._overlap)),
144 clout(std::cout, "SuperParticleSystem3d"),
145 _pSystems(spSys._pSystems),
146 _superGeometry(spSys._superGeometry),
147 _rankNeighbours(spSys._rankNeighbours),
148 _overlap(spSys._overlap)
149 {
150 }
152 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
155 : SuperStructure<T,3>(spSys._cuboidGeometry, spSys._loadBalancer,
156 int(spSys._overlap)),
157 clout(std::cout, "SuperParticleSystem3d"),
158 _superGeometry(spSys._superGeometry),
159 _rankNeighbours(spSys._rankNeighbours),
160 _overlap(spSys._overlap)
161 {
162 _pSystems = std::move(spSys._pSystems);
165 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
167 {
168 int no = globalNumOfParticles();
169 int active = globalNumOfActiveParticles();
170 clout << "activeParticles= " << active << " (" << no << ") " << std::endl;
171 // cout << "[SuperParticleSystem3D] " << _pSystems.size()
172 // << " pSystems on rank " << singleton::mpi().getRank() << "\n";
173 // for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
174 // cout << pS->_particles.size() << " ";
175 // }
176 }
178 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
180 {
181 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
182 pS->printDeep ( std::to_string(_pSystems.size()) + " pSystems on rank " + std::to_string(singleton::mpi().getRank()) + ": " );
183 }
186 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
189 std::list<int>::iterator _matIter;
190 int no = globalNumOfParticles();
191 clout << "globalNumOfParticles=" << no;
192 int active = globalNumOfActiveParticles();
193 clout << "; activeParticles=" << active;
194 for (_matIter = mat.begin(); _matIter != mat.end(); _matIter++) {
195 clout << "; material" << *_matIter << "=" << countMaterial(*_matIter);
197 clout << std::endl;
198 }
200 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
202 std::list<int> mat)
203 {
204 std::list<int>::iterator _matIter;
205 T sum = T();
206 // capture rate
207 for (_matIter = mat.begin(); _matIter != mat.end(); _matIter++) {
208 sum += (T) countMaterial(*_matIter);
209 }
210 clout << "captureRate=" << 1. - sum / globalNumOfParticles()
211 << "; escapeRate=" << sum / globalNumOfParticles() << std::endl;
212 }
214 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
216 std::list<int> mat, int& globalPSum, int& pSumOutlet, T& diffEscapeRate, T& maxDiffEscapeRate,
217 int iT, int iTConsole, T genPartPerTimeStep)
218 {
219 std::list<int>::iterator _matIter;
220 T pSumOutletNew = T();
221 T maxDiffEscapeRateNew = maxDiffEscapeRate;
222 T diffERtmp = T(); // temporal differencial escape rate
224 // count particles at outlet
225 for (_matIter = mat.begin(); _matIter != mat.end(); _matIter++) {
226 pSumOutletNew += (T) countMaterial(*_matIter);
229 // calculate diff. escape rate
230 if (globalNumOfParticles() > globalPSum) {
231 T diffERtmp = (T) (pSumOutletNew - pSumOutlet) / (globalNumOfParticles() - globalPSum);
232 diffEscapeRate += diffERtmp;
233 }
234 else {
235 if (genPartPerTimeStep != 0.) {
236 diffERtmp = (T) (pSumOutletNew - pSumOutlet) / (genPartPerTimeStep);
237 diffEscapeRate += diffERtmp;
239 }
240 // calculate max. diff. escape rate
241 if (diffERtmp > maxDiffEscapeRateNew) {
242 maxDiffEscapeRateNew = diffERtmp;
243 }
244 // console output
245 if (iT % iTConsole == 0) {
246 diffEscapeRate /= iTConsole;
247 if (globalNumOfParticles() > globalPSum) {
248 clout << "diffEscapeRate = " << diffEscapeRate << std::endl;
250 else {
251 if (genPartPerTimeStep != 0.) {
252 clout << "no particles in feedstream, continue calculation of diffEscapeRate with theoretical "
253 << genPartPerTimeStep << " generated particles per phys. time step"
254 << " diffEscapeRate = " << diffEscapeRate << std::endl;
255 }
256 else {
257 clout << "no particles in feedstream, calculation of diffEscapeRate not possible" << std::endl;
258 }
260 if (maxDiffEscapeRateNew > maxDiffEscapeRate) {
261 clout << "maxDiffEscapeRate = " << maxDiffEscapeRateNew << std::endl;
263 diffEscapeRate = 0. ;
265 maxDiffEscapeRate = maxDiffEscapeRateNew;
266 pSumOutlet = pSumOutletNew;
267 globalPSum = globalNumOfParticles();
268 }
270 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
272 std::list<int> mat, int& globalPSum, int& pSumOutlet, T& diffEscapeRate, T& maxDiffEscapeRate,
273 int iT, int iTConsole, T genPartPerTimeStep,
274 T& avDiffEscapeRate, T latticeTimeStart, T latticeTimeEnd)
275 {
276 std::list<int>::iterator _matIter;
277 T pSumOutletNew = T();
278 T maxDiffEscapeRateNew = maxDiffEscapeRate;
279 T avDiffEscapeRateNew = T();
281 // count particle at outlet
282 for (_matIter = mat.begin(); _matIter != mat.end(); _matIter++) {
283 pSumOutletNew += (T) countMaterial(*_matIter);
284 }
285 // calculate diff. escape rate
286 if (globalNumOfParticles() > globalPSum) {
287 avDiffEscapeRateNew = (T) (pSumOutletNew - pSumOutlet) / (globalNumOfParticles() - globalPSum);
288 diffEscapeRate += avDiffEscapeRateNew;
289 }
290 else {
291 if (genPartPerTimeStep != 0.) {
292 avDiffEscapeRateNew = (T) (pSumOutletNew - pSumOutlet) / (genPartPerTimeStep);
293 diffEscapeRate += avDiffEscapeRateNew;
295 }
296 // calculate max. diff. escape rate
297 if (avDiffEscapeRateNew > maxDiffEscapeRateNew) {
298 maxDiffEscapeRateNew = avDiffEscapeRateNew;
299 }
300 // calculate average diff. escape rate between tStart and tEnd
301 if ((iT >= latticeTimeStart) && (iT <= latticeTimeEnd)) {
302 avDiffEscapeRate += avDiffEscapeRateNew;
303 }
304 if (iT == latticeTimeEnd) {
305 avDiffEscapeRate /= (latticeTimeEnd - latticeTimeStart);
306 clout << "average diffEscapeRate between t = " << latticeTimeStart << "s and t = " << latticeTimeEnd << "s : "
307 << avDiffEscapeRate << std::endl;
308 }
309 // console output
310 if (iT % iTConsole == 0) {
311 diffEscapeRate /= iTConsole;
312 if (globalNumOfParticles() > globalPSum) {
313 clout << "diffEscapeRate = " << diffEscapeRate << std::endl;
314 }
315 else {
316 if (genPartPerTimeStep != 0.) {
317 clout << "no particles in feedstream, continue calculation of diffEscapeRate with theoretical "
318 << genPartPerTimeStep << " generated particles per phys. time step" << std::endl;
319 clout << "diffEscapeRate = " << diffEscapeRate << std::endl;
320 }
321 else {
322 clout << "no particles in feedstream, calculation of diffEscapeRate not possible" << std::endl;
323 }
324 }
325 if (maxDiffEscapeRateNew > maxDiffEscapeRate) {
326 clout << "maxDiffEscapeRate = " << maxDiffEscapeRateNew << std::endl;
328 diffEscapeRate = 0. ;
329 }
330 maxDiffEscapeRate = maxDiffEscapeRateNew;
331 pSumOutlet = pSumOutletNew;
332 globalPSum = globalNumOfParticles();
333 }
335 // Output_txt.file for tracer particles (particles that have an id != 0
336 /* _filename is filename of output txt-file
337 * _file is contact to output file
338 * */
339 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
341 int it, T conversionFactorTime, unsigned short _properties )
345 : unsigned short {position = 1,
346 velocity = 2,
347 radius = 4,
348 mass = 8,
349 force = 16,
350 storeForce = 32,
351 };
355 std::vector < T > id, rad;
356 std::vector<std::array<T, 3>> pos, vel, forces, storeForces;
358 int k, j, numOfTracerParticles = globalNumOfTracerParticles();
359 int m = 0;
361 std::setprecision(9);
363 for (k = 0; k < numOfTracerParticles; k++) {
364 id.push_back(T());
365 rad.push_back(T());
366 pos.push_back( { T(), T(), T() });
367 vel.push_back( { T(), T(), T() });
368 forces.push_back( { T(), T(), T() });
369 storeForces.push_back( { T(), T(), T() });
370 }
372 k = 0;
374 std::vector<ParticleSystem3D<T, PARTICLETYPE>*> _pSystems = getPSystems();
375 for (unsigned int pS = 0; pS < _pSystems.size(); ++pS) {
376 std::deque<PARTICLETYPE<T>*> particles =
377 _pSystems[pS]->getParticlesPointer();
378 for (auto p : particles) {
379 if (p->getID() != 0) {
381 id[k] = p->getID();
382 rad[k] = p->getRad();
383 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
384 pos[k][j] = p->getPos()[j];
385 vel[k][j] = p->getVel()[j];
386 forces[k][j] = p->getForce()[j];
387 storeForces[k][j] = p->getStoreForce()[j];
388 }
389 // p->resetStoreForce();
390 k++;
391 p++;
392 }
393 }
394 }
398 for (m = 0; m < numOfTracerParticles; m++) {
399 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(id[m], MPI_SUM);
400 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(rad[m], MPI_SUM);
401 for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
402 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(pos[m][j], MPI_SUM);
403 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(vel[m][j], MPI_SUM);
404 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(forces[m][j], MPI_SUM);
405 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(storeForces[m][j], MPI_SUM);
406 }
407 }
411 if (!singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
412 std::ofstream _file;
414 int i = 0;
415 if (it == 0) {
418, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
419 _file << "Timestep" << i + 1 << " " << "physTime" << i + 2;
420 i = i + 2;
422 for (m = 0; m < numOfTracerParticles; m++) {
423 _file << " id" << i + 1;
424 i = i + 1;
425 _file << " rad" << i + 1;
426 i = i + 1;
427 if (_properties & particleProperties::position) {
428 _file << " pos0_" << i + 1 << " pos1_" << " pos2_" << i + 3;
429 i = i + 3;
430 }
431 if (_properties & particleProperties::force) {
432 _file << " forc0_" << i + 1 << " forc1_" << i + 2 << " forc2_"
433 << i + 3;
434 i = i + 3;
435 }
436 if (_properties & particleProperties::velocity) {
437 _file << " vel0_" << i + 1 << " vel1_" << i + 2 << " vel2_" << i + 3;
438 i = i + 3;
439 }
440 if (_properties & particleProperties::storeForce) {
441 _file << " hforc0_" << i + 1 << " hforc1_" << i + 2 << " hforc2_"
442 << i + 3;
443 i = i + 3;
444 }
445 }
446 _file << "\n";
447 _file.close();
448 }
450 if (it >= 0) {
452, std::ios::out | std::ios::app);
453 _file << it << " " << conversionFactorTime*it << " ";
455 for (m = 0; m < numOfTracerParticles; m++) {
456 _file << id[m] << " ";
457 _file << rad[m] << " ";
458 if (_properties & particleProperties::position) {
459 _file << pos[m][0] << " " << pos[m][1] << " " << pos[m][2] << " ";
460 }
461 if (_properties & particleProperties::force) {
462 _file << forces[m][0] << " " << forces[m][1] << " " << forces[m][2]
463 << " ";
464 }
465 if (_properties & particleProperties::velocity) {
466 _file << vel[m][0] << " " << vel[m][1] << " " << vel[m][2] << " ";
467 }
468 if (_properties & particleProperties::storeForce) {
469 _file << storeForces[m][0] << " " << storeForces[m][1] << " "
470 << storeForces[m][2] << " ";
471 }
472 }
473 }
474 _file << "\n";
475 _file.close();
476 }
477 }
480 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
481 std::vector<ParticleSystem3D<T, PARTICLETYPE>*>& SuperParticleSystem3D<T,
482 PARTICLETYPE>::getPSystems() //+*
483 {
484 return _pSystems;
485 }
487 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
489 {
491 // for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
492 // pS->velocityVerlet1(dT);
493 // if (_overlap > 0) {
494 // pS->makeTree();
495 // cout << "makeTree" << std::endl;
496 // }
497 // }
498 // updateParticleDistribution();
499 // for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
500 // pS->velocityVerlet2(dT);
501 // }
503 // updateParticleDistribution();
504 // for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
505 // pS->computeForce();
506 // pS->predictorCorrector1(dT);
507 // }
508 //
509 // updateParticleDistribution();
510 // for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
511 // pS->computeForce();
512 // pS->predictorCorrector2(dT);
513 // }
515 // for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
516 // pS->rungeKutta4_1(dT);
517 // }
518 // updateParticleDistribution();
519 // for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
520 // pS->rungeKutta4_2(dT);
521 // }
522 // updateParticleDistribution();
523 // for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
524 // pS->rungeKutta4_3(dT);
525 // }
526 // updateParticleDistribution();
527 // for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
528 // pS->rungeKutta4_4(dT);
529 // }
530 // updateParticleDistribution();
531 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
532 time_t delta = clock();
533 pS->_contactDetection->sort();
534 _stopSorting += clock() - delta;
535 pS->simulate(dT, scale);
536 pS->computeBoundary();
538 }
539 updateParticleDistribution();
540 }
542 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
546 int material, int subSteps, bool resetExternalField, bool scale )
547 {
548 // reset external field
549 if (resetExternalField) {
550 backCoupling.resetExternalField(material);
551 }
553 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
554 time_t delta = clock();
555 pS->_contactDetection->sort();
556 _stopSorting += clock() - delta;
557 pS->simulateWithTwoWayCoupling_Mathias(dT, forwardCoupling, backCoupling, material, subSteps, scale);
558 pS->computeBoundary();
560 }
561 updateParticleDistribution();
562 }
564 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
568 int material, int subSteps, bool resetExternalField, bool scale )
569 {
570 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
571 time_t delta = clock();
572 pS->_contactDetection->sort();
573 _stopSorting += clock() - delta;
574 pS->simulateWithTwoWayCoupling_Davide(dT, forwardCoupling, backCoupling, material, subSteps, scale);
575 pS->computeBoundary();
576 pS->eraseInactiveParticles();
577 }
578 updateParticleDistribution();
579 backCoupling.communicate();
580 }
582 // multiple collision models
583 template<>
584 void SuperParticleSystem3D<double, MagneticParticle3D>::simulate(double dT, std::set<int> sActivityOfParticle, bool scale)
585 {
586 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
587 time_t delta = clock();
588 if (pS->getIGeometry() == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
589 pS->_contactDetection->sort();
590 }
591 _stopSorting += clock() - delta;
592 if (pS->getIGeometry() == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
593 pS->simulate(dT, sActivityOfParticle, scale);
594 pS->computeBoundary();
595 }
596 }
597 updateParticleDistribution();
598 }
600 template<>
602 {
603 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
604 for (auto p : pS->_particles) {
605 if (p.getSActivity() == sActivity) {
606 return false;
607 }
608 }
609 }
610 return true;
611 }
613 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
615 {
616 assert( int(overlap) + 1 <= _superGeometry.getOverlap() );
617 _overlap = overlap;
618 }
620 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
622 {
623 return _overlap;
624 }
626 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
628 {
629 return _pSystems.size();
630 }
632 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
634 {
636 // cout << "return1" << std::endl;
637 int buffer = rankNumOfParticles();
638 // cout << "return2" << std::endl;
639 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(buffer, MPI_SUM);
640 // cout << "return3" << std::endl;
641 return buffer;
643 // cout << "return4" << std::endl;
644 return rankNumOfParticles();
646 }
648 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
650 {
652 int buffer = rankNumOfShadowParticles();
653 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(buffer, MPI_SUM);
654 return buffer;
656 return rankNumOfShadowParticles();
658 }
660 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
662 {
663 int num = 0;
664 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
665 num += pS->size();
666 }
667 return num;
668 }
670 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
672 {
673 int num = 0;
674 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
675 num += pS->_shadowParticles.size();
676 }
677 return num;
678 }
680 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
682 {
683 int num = 0;
684 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
685 num += pS->numOfActiveParticles();
686 }
687 return num;
688 }
690 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
692 {
693 int num = 0;
694 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
695 num += pS->countMaterial(mat);
696 }
697 return num;
698 }
700 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
702 {
704 int buffer = countLocMaterial(mat);
705 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(buffer, MPI_SUM);
706 return buffer;
708 return countLocMaterial(mat);
710 }
712 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
714 {
716 int buffer = rankNumOfActiveParticles();
717 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(buffer, MPI_SUM);
718 return buffer;
720 return rankNumOfActiveParticles();
722 }
724 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
726 {
728 int buffer = rankNumOfTracerParticles();
729 singleton::mpi().reduceAndBcast(buffer, MPI_SUM);
730 return buffer;
732 return rankNumOfTracerParticles();
734 }
736 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
738 {
739 int num = 0;
740 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
741 std::deque<PARTICLETYPE<T>*> particles = pS->getParticlesPointer();
742 int pSNum = 0;
743 for (auto p : particles) {
744 if (p->getID() != 0) {
745 pSNum++;
746 }
747 }
748 num += pSNum;
749 }
750 return num;
751 }
753 // TODO class olb::ParticleSystem3D<double, olb::Particle3D>’ has no member named ‘radiusDistribution
754 /*
755 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
756 std::map<T, int> SuperParticleSystem3D<T, PARTICLETYPE>::rankRadiusDistribution()
757 {
758 std::map<T, int> distrAll;
759 typename std::map<T, int>::iterator ita;
760 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
761 std::map<T, int> distrPs;
762 distrPs = pS->radiusDistribution();
763 for (typename std::map<T, int>::iterator itp = distrPs.begin();
764 itp != distrPs.end(); ++itp) {
765 T radKeyP = itp->first;
766 int countP = itp->second;
767 if (distrAll.count(radKeyP) > 0) {
768 ita = distrAll.find(radKeyP);
769 ita->second = ita->second + countP;
770 } else {
771 distrAll.insert(std::pair<T, int>(radKeyP, countP));
772 }
773 }
774 }
775 return distrAll;
776 }
777 */
779 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
781 {
782 std::vector<int> dummy;
783 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
784 dummy.push_back(pS->numOfForces());
785 }
786 return dummy;
787 }
789 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
790 template<typename DESCRIPTOR>
793 {
794 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
795 pS->setVelToFluidVel(fVel);
796 }
797 }
799 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
802 {
803 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
804 pS->setVelToAnalyticalVel(aVel);
805 }
806 }
808 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
810 {
811 return findCuboid(p, int(_overlap));
812 }
814 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
816 int overlap)
817 {
818 int C = this->_cuboidGeometry.get_iC(p.getPos()[0], p.getPos()[1],
819 p.getPos()[2], overlap);
820 if (C != this->_cuboidGeometry.getNc()) {
821 p.setCuboid(C);
822 return 1;
823 }
824 else {
825 clout << "Lost Particle! Pos: " << p.getPos()[0] << " " << p.getPos()[1]
826 << " " << p.getPos()[2] << " Vel: " << p.getVel()[0] << " "
827 << p.getVel()[1] << " " << p.getVel()[2] << " Cuboid: " << C << std::endl;
828 p.setActive(false);
829 return 0;
830 }
831 }
833 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
835 T overlap)
836 {
837 return checkCuboid(p, overlap, p.getCuboid());
838 }
840 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
842 T overlap, int iC)
843 {
844 // Checks whether particle is contained in the cuboid
845 // extended with an layer of size overlap*delta
846 return this->_cuboidGeometry.get(iC).physCheckPoint(p.getPos()[0],
847 p.getPos()[1],
848 p.getPos()[2], overlap);
849 }
851 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
853 {
854 // Find particles on wrong cuboid, store in relocate and delete
855 // maps particles to their new rank
856 // std::multimap<int, PARTICLETYPE<T> > relocate;
857 _relocate.clear();
858#ifdef shadows
859 _relocateShadow.clear();
861 for (unsigned int pS = 0; pS < _pSystems.size(); ++pS) {
863 _pSystems[pS]->_shadowParticles.clear();
864 auto par = _pSystems[pS]->_particles.begin();
866 while (par != _pSystems[pS]->_particles.end()) {
868 //Check if particle is still in its cuboid
869 if (checkCuboid(*par, 0)) {
870#ifdef shadows
871 // Check if its inside boundary layer of its cuboid
872 if (!(checkCuboid(*par, -_overlap))) {
874 std::set<int> sendTo;
875 // Run through all cuboids to search the one that
876 // shares its boundary with the cuboid containing the particle
877 for (int iC = 0; iC < this->_cuboidGeometry.getNc(); iC++) {
878 // Check if iC is neighbor cuboid in which overlap the particle is
879 // located
880 if (par->getCuboid() != iC && checkCuboid(*par, _overlap, iC)) {
881 // rank is the processing thread of the global cuboid number iC
882 int rank = this->_loadBalancer.rank(iC);
883 // insert rank into sendTo, if sendTo does not already contain
884 // rank for the actual particle
885 if (!sendTo.count(rank)) {
886 _relocateShadow.insert(std::make_pair(rank, (*par)));
887 sendTo.insert(rank);
888 }
889 }
890 }
891 }
893 //If not --> find new cuboid
894 }
895 else {
896 // check to which cuboid particle is located
897 // and give new cuboid to par
898 findCuboid(*par, 0);
899 // gives particle the new cuboid number where it is now located to
900 _relocate.insert(
901 std::make_pair(this->_loadBalancer.rank(par->getCuboid()), (*par)));
902#ifdef shadows
903 // If the new particle position is in boundary layer
904 // If yes --> check if its inside boundary layer
905 if (!(checkCuboid(*par, -_overlap))) {
906 // yes, particle is in boundary layer
907 std::set<int> sendTo;
908 for (int iC = 0; iC < this->_cuboidGeometry.getNc(); iC++) {
909 // checks if iC is neighbor cuboid in whose overlap the particle
910 // is located
911 if (par->getCuboid() != iC && checkCuboid(*par, _overlap, iC)) {
912 int rank = this->_loadBalancer.rank(iC);
913 if (!sendTo.count(rank)) {
914 // shadow particle (copy of original) is inserted for iC
915 // but just with information of rank, not of cuboid!
916 _relocateShadow.insert(std::make_pair(rank, (*par)));
917 sendTo.insert(rank);
918 }
919 }
920 }
921 }
923 par = _pSystems[pS]->_particles.erase(par);
924 par--;
925 }
926 par++;
927 }
928 }
929 /* Communicate number of Particles per cuboid*/
932 //mpiNbHelper.allocate(_rankNeighbours.size());
934 int k = 0;
936 /* Serialize particles */
937 // it is: std::map<int, std::vector<double> > _send_buffer
938 _send_buffer.clear();
940 // fill std::map<int, std::vector<double> > _send_buffer with
941 // particle properties of particles in _relocate
943 // buffer size equals number of particle properties
944 T buffer[PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize];
945 // insert all regular particles of _relocate into _send_buffer
946 for (auto rN : _relocate) {
947 // second element in rN is (*par)
948 // write particle properties into buffer
949 rN.second.serialize(buffer);
950 // first element in rN is rank
951 // it is: std::map<int, std::vector<double> > _send_buffer;
952 // enlarge the _send_buffer element (rank), which is of vector type, with
953 // new elements of buffer (begin: buffer, end: buffer + serialPartSize)
954 _send_buffer[rN.first].insert(_send_buffer[rN.first].end(),
955 buffer, buffer + PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize);
956 }
958 /*Send Particles */
959 k = 0;
960 // noSends contains number of neighboring cuboids
961 int noSends = 0;
962 // it is: std::list<int> _rankNeighbours, rank of neighboring cuboids
963 for (auto rN : _rankNeighbours) {
964 // if there are particles contained in _send_buffer, increase noSends
965 if (_send_buffer[rN].size() > 0) {
966 ++noSends;
967 }
968 }
969 // int noSends = _send_buffer.size();
970 if (noSends > 0) {
971 mpiNbHelper.allocate(noSends);
972 // cout << mpiNbHelper.get_size() << std::endl;
973 for (auto rN : _rankNeighbours) {
974 if (_send_buffer[rN].size() > 0) {
975 singleton::mpi().iSend<double>(&_send_buffer[rN][0],
976 _relocate.count(rN)*PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize,
977 rN, &mpiNbHelper.get_mpiRequest()[k++], 1);
978 }
979 }
980 }
982 /*Receive and add particles*/
984 k = 0;
985 int flag = 0;
987 if (flag) {
988 for (auto rN : _rankNeighbours) {
989 MPI_Status status;
990 int tmpFlag = 0;
991 MPI_Iprobe(rN, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &tmpFlag, &status);
992 if (tmpFlag) {
993 int number_amount = 0;
994 MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_DOUBLE, &number_amount);
995 //T recv_buffer[number_amount];
996 //singleton::mpi().receive(recv_buffer, number_amount, rN, 1);
997 std::vector<T> recv_buffer;
998 recv_buffer.reserve(number_amount);
999 singleton::mpi().receive(, number_amount, rN, 1);
1001 for (int iPar = 0; iPar < number_amount; iPar += PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize) {
1003 p.unserialize(&recv_buffer[iPar]);
1004 if (singleton::mpi().getRank() == this->_loadBalancer.rank(p.getCuboid())) {
1005 // particle added to pSystem with local cuboid number on actual thread
1006 _pSystems[this->_loadBalancer.loc(p.getCuboid())]->addParticle(p);
1007 }
1008 }
1009 }
1010 }
1011 }
1012 if (noSends > 0) {
1013 singleton::mpi().waitAll(mpiNbHelper);
1014 }
1015#ifdef shadows
1016 /**************************************************************************************************************/
1017 //Same Again for shadowParticles
1018 mpiNbHelper.allocate(_rankNeighbours.size());
1019 k = 0;
1020 /* Serialize particles */
1021 _send_buffer.clear();
1022 // T buffer[PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize];
1023 for (auto rN : _relocateShadow) {
1024 // std::vector<T> buffer = rN.second.serialize();
1025 rN.second.serialize(buffer);
1026 _send_buffer[rN.first].insert(_send_buffer[rN.first].end(),
1027 buffer, buffer + PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize);
1028 }
1030 /*Send Particles */
1031 k = 0;
1032 noSends = _send_buffer.size();
1033 if (noSends > 0) {
1034 mpiNbHelper.allocate(noSends);
1035 for (auto rN : _rankNeighbours) {
1036 if (_send_buffer[rN].size() > 0) {
1037 singleton::mpi().iSend<double>(&_send_buffer[rN][0],
1038 _relocateShadow.count(rN)*PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize,
1039 rN, &mpiNbHelper.get_mpiRequest()[k++], 4);
1040 }
1041 }
1042 }
1043 /*Receive and add particles*/
1045 k = 0;
1046 flag = 0;
1048 if (flag) {
1049 for (auto rN : _rankNeighbours) {
1050 MPI_Status status;
1051 int tmpFlag = 0;
1052 MPI_Iprobe(rN, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &tmpFlag, &status);
1053 // cout << "Message from " << rN << " found on " << singleton::mpi().getRank() << std::endl;
1054 if (tmpFlag) {
1055 int number_amount = 0;
1056 MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_DOUBLE, &number_amount);
1057 // cout << "Contains " << number_amount << " infos" << std::endl;
1058 std::vector<T> recv_buffer;
1059 recv_buffer.reserve(number_amount);
1060 singleton::mpi().receive(, number_amount, rN, 4);
1061 for (int iPar = 0; iPar < number_amount; iPar += PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize) {
1062 // std::cout << "Particle unserialized" << std::endl;
1063 // par contains information of shadow particle
1064 // par is already shadow particle !!
1066 p.unserialize(&recv_buffer[iPar]);
1067 addShadowParticle(p);
1068 }
1069 }
1070 }
1071 }
1072 /* WARNING:
1073 * Performance warning: mpi barrier added - Asher 04/01/2017
1074 * MPI hanging on application /apps/asher/particle/simpleParticleExample
1075 * apparent communication error, tested with mpirun -np 6 when particle is
1076 * in overlap regions. This could be due to tag value of 4 coinciding with
1077 * tags used in fluid parallelization and conditional blocking receives.
1078 * Unaffected threads could continue on to collision step where these buffers
1079 * are altered/overwritten. When tested with tag of 4000007 no such error arises,
1080 * implying such a conflict.
1081 */
1083 if (noSends > 0) {
1084 singleton::mpi().waitAll(mpiNbHelper);
1085 }
1089 for (auto& par : _relocate) {
1090 // _relocate contains make_pair(rank, (*par))
1091 // therefore par.second is pointer to particle par
1092 addParticle(par.second);
1093 }
1094 for (auto& par : _relocateShadow) {
1095 // _relocateShadow contains make_pair(rank, (*par))
1096 // therefore par.second is pointer to particle par
1097 addShadowParticle(par.second);
1098 }
1100 }
1102 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1104 {
1105 if (findCuboid(p)) {
1107 if (singleton::mpi().getRank() == this->_loadBalancer.rank(p.getCuboid())) {
1108 _pSystems[this->_loadBalancer.loc(p.getCuboid())]->addParticle(p);
1109 }
1110 else {
1111 // clout << "Particle not found on Cuboid: " << p.getCuboid() << std::endl;
1112 // clout << "Ppos: " << p.getPos()[0] << " " << p.getPos()[1] << " " << p.getPos()[2]<< std::endl;
1113 }
1115 _pSystems[this->_loadBalancer.loc(p.getCuboid())]->addParticle(p);
1117 }
1118 }
1120 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1122 IndicatorF3D<T>& ind, T mas, T rad, int no, std::vector<T> vel)
1123 {
1124 srand(clock());
1125 // srand(rand());
1126 std::vector<T> pos(3, 0.);
1127 bool indic[1] = { false };
1129 no += globalNumOfParticles();
1130 while (globalNumOfParticles() < no) {
1131 pos[0] = ind.getMin()[0]
1132 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[0] - ind.getMin()[0]);
1133 pos[1] = ind.getMin()[1]
1134 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[1] - ind.getMin()[1]);
1135 pos[2] = ind.getMin()[2]
1136 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[2] - ind.getMin()[2]);
1139 singleton::mpi().bCast(&*pos.begin(), 3);
1142 int x0, y0, z0, C;
1143 std::vector<int> locLat(4, 0);
1144 if (this->_cuboidGeometry.getFloorLatticeR(pos, locLat)) {
1145 C = locLat[0];
1146 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(C) == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
1147 x0 = locLat[1];
1148 y0 = locLat[2];
1149 z0 = locLat[3];
1150 if (_superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0, z0) == 1
1151 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1152 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1153 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1154 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0, z0) == 1
1155 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1156 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1157 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1158 && ind(indic, &pos[0])) {
1159 PARTICLETYPE<T> p(pos, vel, mas, rad);
1160 addParticle(p);
1161 }
1162 }
1163 }
1164 }
1165 }
1167 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1169 material, int no, T mas,
1170 T rad, std::vector<T> vel)
1171 {
1172 srand(time(nullptr));
1173 std::vector<T> pos(3, 0.), min(3, std::numeric_limits<T>::max()),
1174 max(3, std::numeric_limits<T>::min());
1175 olb::Vector<T, 3> tmpMin(0.), tmpMax(0.);
1176 std::set<int>::iterator it = material.begin();
1177 for (; it != material.end(); ++it) {
1178 tmpMin = _superGeometry.getStatistics().getMinPhysR(*it);
1179 tmpMax = _superGeometry.getStatistics().getMaxPhysR(*it);
1180 max[0] = util::max(max[0], tmpMax[0]);
1181 max[1] = util::max(max[1], tmpMax[1]);
1182 max[2] = util::max(max[2], tmpMax[2]);
1183 min[0] = util::min(min[0], tmpMin[0]);
1184 min[1] = util::min(min[1], tmpMin[1]);
1185 min[2] = util::min(min[2], tmpMin[2]);
1186 }
1187 // cout << "Min: " << min[0] << " " << min[1] << " " << min[2] << std::endl;
1188 // cout << "Max: " << max[0] << " " << max[1] << " " << max[2] << std::endl;
1189 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1190 min[i] -= this->_cuboidGeometry.get(0).getDeltaR();
1191 max[i] += 2 * this->_cuboidGeometry.get(0).getDeltaR();
1192 }
1193 no += globalNumOfParticles();
1194 while (globalNumOfParticles() < no) {
1195 pos[0] = min[0] + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (max[0] - min[0]);
1196 pos[1] = min[1] + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (max[1] - min[1]);
1197 pos[2] = min[2] + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (max[2] - min[2]);
1200 singleton::mpi().bCast(&*pos.begin(), 3);
1203 std::vector<int> locLat(4, 0);
1204 if (this->_cuboidGeometry.getFloorLatticeR(pos, locLat)) {
1205 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(locLat[0]) == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
1206 if (material.find(_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2], locLat[3]))
1207 != material.end()
1208 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2] + 1,
1209 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1210 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2],
1211 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1212 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2] + 1,
1213 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1214 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2],
1215 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1216 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2] + 1,
1217 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1218 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2],
1219 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1220 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2] + 1,
1221 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()) {
1222 PARTICLETYPE<T> p(pos, vel, mas, rad);
1223 addParticle(p);
1224 }
1225 }
1226 }
1227 }
1229 }
1231 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1233 IndicatorF3D<T>& ind, std::set<int> material, T mas, T rad, int no, std::vector<T> vel)
1234 {
1235 srand(clock());
1236 std::vector<T> pos(3, 0.);
1237 bool indic[1] = { false };
1239 no += globalNumOfParticles();
1240 while (globalNumOfParticles() < no) {
1241 pos[0] = ind.getMin()[0]
1242 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[0] - ind.getMin()[0]);
1243 pos[1] = ind.getMin()[1]
1244 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[1] - ind.getMin()[1]);
1245 pos[2] = ind.getMin()[2]
1246 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[2] - ind.getMin()[2]);
1249 singleton::mpi().bCast(&*pos.begin(), 3);
1252 int x0, y0, z0;
1253 std::vector<int> locLat(4, 0);
1254 if (this->_cuboidGeometry.getFloorLatticeR(pos, locLat)) {
1255 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(locLat[0]) == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
1256 x0 = locLat[1];
1257 y0 = locLat[2];
1258 z0 = locLat[3];
1259 if (_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0, z0) == 1
1260 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1261 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1262 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1263 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0, z0) == 1
1264 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1265 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1266 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1267 && ind(indic, &pos[0])) {
1268 if (material.find(
1269 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2], locLat[3]))
1270 != material.end()
1271 && material.find(
1272 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2] + 1,
1273 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1274 && material.find(
1275 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2],
1276 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1277 && material.find(
1278 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2] + 1,
1279 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1280 && material.find(
1281 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2],
1282 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1283 && material.find(
1284 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2] + 1,
1285 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1286 && material.find(
1287 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2],
1288 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1289 && material.find(
1290 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2] + 1,
1291 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()) {
1292 PARTICLETYPE<T> p(pos, vel, mas, rad);
1293 addParticle(p);
1294 }
1295 }
1296 }
1297 }
1298 }
1299 }
1301 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1303 IndicatorF3D<T>& ind, std::set<int> material, T mas, T rad, int no, std::vector<T> vel, T surface, T volume)
1304 {
1305 std::cout << "addHL3DParticle begin" <<std::endl;
1306 srand(clock());
1307 std::vector<T> pos(3, 0.);
1308 bool indic[1] = { false };
1310 no += globalNumOfParticles();
1311 while (globalNumOfParticles() < no) {
1312 pos[0] = ind.getMin()[0]
1313 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[0] - ind.getMin()[0]);
1314 pos[1] = ind.getMin()[1]
1315 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[1] - ind.getMin()[1]);
1316 pos[2] = ind.getMin()[2]
1317 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[2] - ind.getMin()[2]);
1320 singleton::mpi().bCast(&*pos.begin(), 3);
1323 int x0, y0, z0;
1324 std::vector<int> locLat(4, 0);
1325 if (this->_cuboidGeometry.getFloorLatticeR(pos, locLat)) {
1326 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(locLat[0]) == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
1327 x0 = locLat[1];
1328 y0 = locLat[2];
1329 z0 = locLat[3];
1330 if (_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0, z0) == 1
1331 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1332 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1333 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1334 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0, z0) == 1
1335 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1336 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1337 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1338 && ind(indic, &pos[0])) {
1339 if (material.find(
1340 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2], locLat[3]))
1341 != material.end()
1342 && material.find(
1343 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2] + 1,
1344 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1345 && material.find(
1346 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2],
1347 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1348 && material.find(
1349 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2] + 1,
1350 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1351 && material.find(
1352 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2],
1353 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1354 && material.find(
1355 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2] + 1,
1356 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1357 && material.find(
1358 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2],
1359 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1360 && material.find(
1361 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2] + 1,
1362 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()) {
1363 //PARTICLETYPE<T> p(pos, vel, mas, rad);
1364 PARTICLETYPE<T> p( pos, mas, rad, volume, surface);
1365 addParticle(p);
1367 }
1368 }
1369 }
1370 }
1371 }
1372 }
1374 template<>
1376 IndicatorF3D<double>& ind, double mas, double rad, int no, int id,
1377 std::vector<double> vel, std::vector<double> dMoment, std::vector<double> aVel, std::vector<double> torque, double magnetisation,
1378 int sActivity)
1379 {
1380 std::vector<double> pos(3, 0.);
1381 bool indic[1] = { false };
1383 no += globalNumOfParticles();
1384 while (globalNumOfParticles() < no) {
1385 pos[0] = ind.getMin()[0]
1386 + (double) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[0] - ind.getMin()[0]);
1387 pos[1] = ind.getMin()[1]
1388 + (double) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[1] - ind.getMin()[1]);
1389 pos[2] = ind.getMin()[2]
1390 + (double) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[2] - ind.getMin()[2]);
1393 singleton::mpi().bCast(&*pos.begin(), 3);
1396 int x0, y0, z0, C;
1397 std::vector<int> locLat(4, 0);
1398 if (this->_cuboidGeometry.getFloorLatticeR(pos, locLat)) {
1399 C = locLat[0];
1400 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(C) == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
1401 x0 = locLat[1];
1402 y0 = locLat[2];
1403 z0 = locLat[3];
1404 if (_superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0, z0) == 1
1405 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1406 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1407 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1408 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0, z0) == 1
1409 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1410 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1411 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1412 && ind(indic, &pos[0])) {
1413 MagneticParticle3D<double> p(pos, vel, mas, rad, id, dMoment, aVel, torque, magnetisation, sActivity);
1414 id++;
1415 addParticle(p);
1416 }
1417 }
1418 }
1419 }
1420 }
1422 template<>
1423 void SuperParticleSystem3D<double, MagneticParticle3D>::addParticle(IndicatorF3D<double>& ind, std::set<int> material, double mas, double rad, int no, int id,
1424 std::vector<double> vel, std::vector<double> dMoment, std::vector<double> aVel, std::vector<double> torque, double magnetisation,
1425 int sActivity)
1427 {
1428 std::vector<double> pos(3, 0.);
1429 bool indic[1] = { false };
1431 no += globalNumOfParticles();
1432 while (globalNumOfParticles() < no) {
1433 pos[0] = ind.getMin()[0]
1434 + (double) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[0] - ind.getMin()[0]);
1435 pos[1] = ind.getMin()[1]
1436 + (double) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[1] - ind.getMin()[1]);
1437 pos[2] = ind.getMin()[2]
1438 + (double) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[2] - ind.getMin()[2]);
1441 singleton::mpi().bCast(&*pos.begin(), 3);
1444 int x0, y0, z0;
1445 std::vector<int> locLat(4, 0);
1446 if (this->_cuboidGeometry.getFloorLatticeR(pos, locLat)) {
1447 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(locLat[0]) == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
1448 x0 = locLat[1];
1449 y0 = locLat[2];
1450 z0 = locLat[3];
1451 if (_superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0, z0) == 1
1452 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1453 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1454 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1455 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0, z0) == 1
1456 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1457 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1458 && _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1459 && ind(indic, &pos[0])) {
1460 if (material.find(
1461 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2], locLat[3]))
1462 != material.end()
1463 && material.find(
1464 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2] + 1,
1465 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1466 && material.find(
1467 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2],
1468 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1469 && material.find(
1470 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1], locLat[2] + 1,
1471 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1472 && material.find(
1473 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2],
1474 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1475 && material.find(
1476 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2] + 1,
1477 locLat[3])) != material.end()
1478 && material.find(
1479 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2],
1480 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1481 && material.find(
1482 _superGeometry.get(locLat[0], locLat[1] + 1, locLat[2] + 1,
1483 locLat[3] + 1)) != material.end()) {
1485 MagneticParticle3D<double> p(pos, vel, mas, rad, id, dMoment, aVel, torque, magnetisation, sActivity);
1486 id++;
1487 addParticle(p);
1488 }
1489 }
1490 }
1491 }
1492 }
1493 }
1495 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1496 template<typename DESCRIPTOR>
1498 IndicatorCircle3D<T>& indicatorCircle, T particleMassConcentration, T charPhysVelocity,
1499 T conversionFactorTime, SuperLatticeInterpPhysVelocity3D<T, DESCRIPTOR>& getVel,
1500 PARTICLETYPE<T>& p, std::set<int> material, int iT, T& particlesPerPhyTimeStep,
1501 std::vector<T>& inletVec, std::deque<std::vector<T>>& posDeq, int deqSize)
1502 {
1504 std::vector<T> pos(3, 0.);
1505 std::vector<T> vel(3, 0.);
1507 PARTICLETYPE<T> pCopy(p);
1509 // r can be initialized with arbitrary values
1510 // r is calculated to lie in the same plane as indicatorCircle
1511 Vector<T, 3> r(inletVec);
1512 // s is calculated to lie in the same plane as indicatorCircle
1513 // s is orthogonal to r
1514 Vector<T, 3> s(0., 0., 0.);
1516 T fluidVel[3] = {0., 0., 0.};
1518 // calculation of r in the first step of iteration
1519 if (iT == 0) {
1520 T fluxDensity = charPhysVelocity * M_PI * util::pow(indicatorCircle.getRadius(), 2.) ;
1521 T particleVolume = 4. / 3.* M_PI * util::pow(p.getRad(), 3);
1522 T particleDensity = p.getMass() / particleVolume;
1523 T particleVolumeConcentration = particleMassConcentration / particleDensity;
1524 T particleVolumeFlux = fluxDensity * particleVolumeConcentration;
1525 T particleFlux = particleVolumeFlux / particleVolume;
1526 particlesPerPhyTimeStep = particleFlux * conversionFactorTime;
1528 bool b = false;
1529 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1530 if (indicatorCircle.getNormal()[i] == 0.) {
1531 b = true;
1532 }
1533 }
1534 if (b == true) {
1535 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1536 if (indicatorCircle.getNormal()[i] == 0.) {
1537 r[i] = 1.;
1538 }
1539 else {
1540 r[i] = 0.;
1541 }
1542 }
1543 }
1544 else {
1545 r[0] = -(indicatorCircle.getNormal()[1] + indicatorCircle.getNormal()[2]) / indicatorCircle.getNormal()[0] ;
1546 r[1] = 1.;
1547 r[2] = 1.;
1548 }
1549 normalize(r) ;
1550 for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
1551 inletVec[i] = r[i];
1552 }
1553 }
1555 // norm of r
1556 T r_max = indicatorCircle.getRadius();
1557 T r_min = -1. * r_max;
1559 s = crossProduct3D(r, indicatorCircle.getNormal());
1561 // Non-deterministic random number generator
1562 std::random_device rd;
1563 // Pseudo-random number engine: Mersenne Twister 19937 generator
1564 std::mt19937 engine(rd());
1565 int id = this->globalNumOfParticles();
1567 while (this->globalNumOfParticles() < (iT + 1) * particlesPerPhyTimeStep) {
1569 gt_mark:
1570 normalize(r);
1571 normalize(s);
1573 // Random number distribution that produces floating-point values according to a uniform distribution
1574 std::uniform_real_distribution<T> distR(r_min, r_max);
1576 // r_norm is between r_min and r_max
1577 T r_norm = distR(engine);
1578 r *= r_norm ;
1580 T s_max = util::sqrt(util::pow(indicatorCircle.getRadius(), 2.) - util::pow(r_norm, 2.)) ;
1581 T s_min = -1. * s_max ;
1582 std::uniform_real_distribution<T> distS(s_min, s_max);
1584 // s_norm is between s_min and s_max
1585 T s_norm = distS(engine);
1586 s *= s_norm ;
1588 std::vector<T> posVecTmp(3, 0.);
1589 posVecTmp[0] = indicatorCircle.getCenter()[0] + r[0] + s[0];
1590 posVecTmp[1] = indicatorCircle.getCenter()[1] + r[1] + s[1];
1591 posVecTmp[2] = indicatorCircle.getCenter()[2] + r[2] + s[2];
1593 for (auto a : posDeq) {
1594 T dist = util::sqrt(util::pow(a[0] - posVecTmp[0], 2.)
1595 + util::pow(a[1] - posVecTmp[1], 2.)
1596 + util::pow(a[2] - posVecTmp[2], 2.));
1597 if (dist <= 3 * p.getRad()) {
1598 goto gt_mark;
1599 }
1600 }
1602 pos[0] = posVecTmp[0];
1603 pos[1] = posVecTmp[1];
1604 pos[2] = posVecTmp[2];
1606 std::vector<int> latticeRoundedPos(4, 0);
1608 if (this->_cuboidGeometry.getFloorLatticeR(pos, latticeRoundedPos)) {
1609 int globCuboid = latticeRoundedPos[0]; // is global cuboid number
1610 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(globCuboid) == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
1612 if (material.find(_superGeometry.get(latticeRoundedPos[0], latticeRoundedPos[1], latticeRoundedPos[2], latticeRoundedPos[3]))
1613 != material.end()
1614 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(latticeRoundedPos[0], latticeRoundedPos[1], latticeRoundedPos[2] + 1,
1615 latticeRoundedPos[3])) != material.end()
1616 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(latticeRoundedPos[0], latticeRoundedPos[1], latticeRoundedPos[2],
1617 latticeRoundedPos[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1618 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(latticeRoundedPos[0], latticeRoundedPos[1], latticeRoundedPos[2] + 1,
1619 latticeRoundedPos[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1620 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(latticeRoundedPos[0], latticeRoundedPos[1] + 1, latticeRoundedPos[2],
1621 latticeRoundedPos[3])) != material.end()
1622 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(latticeRoundedPos[0], latticeRoundedPos[1] + 1, latticeRoundedPos[2] + 1,
1623 latticeRoundedPos[3])) != material.end()
1624 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(latticeRoundedPos[0], latticeRoundedPos[1] + 1, latticeRoundedPos[2],
1625 latticeRoundedPos[3] + 1)) != material.end()
1626 && material.find(_superGeometry.get(latticeRoundedPos[0], latticeRoundedPos[1] + 1, latticeRoundedPos[2] + 1,
1627 latticeRoundedPos[3] + 1)) != material.end()) {
1628 getVel(fluidVel, &pos[0], globCuboid);
1629 vel[0] = fluidVel[0];
1630 vel[1] = fluidVel[1];
1631 vel[2] = fluidVel[2];
1633 pCopy.setPos(pos);
1634 pCopy.setVel(vel);
1635 pCopy.setID(id);
1636 this->addParticle(pCopy);
1637 id++;
1639 if (posDeq.size() <= (unsigned)deqSize) {
1640 posDeq.push_front(posVecTmp);
1641 }
1642 else {
1643 posDeq.push_front(posVecTmp);
1644 posDeq.pop_back();
1645 }
1647 }
1648 }
1649 }
1650 }
1651 normalize(r);
1652 }
1655 template<>
1657 {
1659 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
1660 std::deque<MagneticParticle3D<double>*> particles = pS->getParticlesPointer();
1662 for (auto p : particles) {
1663 std::vector<double> dMoment = { 0., 0., 0. };
1664 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1665 dMoment[i] = rand() % (9 - (-9) + 1) + (-9);
1666 }
1668 double dMoment_norm = util::sqrt(util::pow(dMoment[0], 2.) + util::pow(dMoment[1], 2.) + util::pow(dMoment[2], 2.)) ;
1670 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1671 dMoment[i] /= dMoment_norm ;
1672 }
1674 p->setMoment(dMoment);
1675 }
1676 }
1677 }
1679 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1681 {
1683 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
1684 std::deque<PARTICLETYPE<T>*> particles = pS->getParticlesPointer();
1686 for (auto p : particles) {
1687 std::vector<T> vel = { 0., 0., 0. };
1688 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1689 vel[i] = rand() % (9 - (-9) + 1) + (-9);
1690 }
1692 T vel_norm = util::sqrt(util::pow(vel[0], 2.) + util::pow(vel[1], 2.) + util::pow(vel[2], 2.)) ;
1694 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1695 vel[i] /= vel_norm ;
1696 vel[i] *= velFactor ;
1697 }
1699 p->setVel(vel);
1700 }
1701 }
1702 }
1705 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1707 {
1709 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
1710 std::deque<PARTICLETYPE<T>*> particles = pS->getParticlesPointer();
1712 for (auto p : particles) {
1713 std::vector<T> pos = { 0., 0., 0. };
1714 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1715 pos[i] = rand() % (9 - (-9) + 1) + (-9);
1716 }
1718 T pos_norm = util::sqrt(util::pow(pos[0], 2.) + util::pow(pos[1], 2.) + util::pow(pos[2], 2.)) ;
1720 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1721 pos[i] /= pos_norm ;
1722 pos[i] *= posFactor ;
1723 }
1725 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1726 p->getPos()[0] += pos[0] ;
1727 p->getPos()[1] += pos[1] ;
1728 p->getPos()[2] += pos[2] ;
1729 }
1730 }
1731 }
1732 }
1734 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1735 void SuperParticleSystem3D<T, PARTICLETYPE>::setParticlesPosRandom(T posFactorX, T posFactorY, T posFactorZ)
1736 {
1738 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
1739 std::deque<PARTICLETYPE<T>*> particles = pS->getParticlesPointer();
1741 for (auto p : particles) {
1742 std::vector<T> pos = { 0., 0., 0. };
1743 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1744 pos[i] = rand() % (9 - (-9) + 1) + (-9);
1745 }
1747 T pos_norm = util::sqrt(util::pow(pos[0], 2.) + util::pow(pos[1], 2.) + util::pow(pos[2], 2.)) ;
1749 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1750 pos[i] /= pos_norm ;
1751 }
1753 pos[0] *= posFactorX ;
1754 pos[1] *= posFactorY ;
1755 pos[2] *= posFactorZ ;
1757 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1758 p->getPos()[0] += pos[0] ;
1759 p->getPos()[1] += pos[1] ;
1760 p->getPos()[2] += pos[2] ;
1761 }
1762 }
1763 }
1764 }
1766 template<>
1768 std::vector<double> vel, std::vector<double> aVel, std::vector<double> torque, double magnetisation)
1769 {
1770 int i = 0;
1771 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
1772 std::deque<MagneticParticle3D<double>*> particles = pS->getParticlesPointer();
1774 for (auto p : particles) {
1776 p->setMoment(dMoment);
1777 p->setVel(vel);
1778 p->setAVel(aVel);
1779 p->setTorque(torque);
1780 p->setMagnetisation(magnetisation);
1781 p->setID(i);
1782 i++;
1784 }
1785 }
1786 }
1788 template<>
1790 std::vector<double> vel, std::vector<double> aVel, std::vector<double> torque, double magnetisation, int sActivity)
1791 {
1792 int i = 0;
1793 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
1794 std::deque<MagneticParticle3D<double>*> particles = pS->getParticlesPointer();
1796 for (auto p : particles) {
1798 p->setMoment(dMoment);
1799 p->setVel(vel);
1800 p->setAVel(aVel);
1801 p->setTorque(torque);
1802 p->setMagnetisation(magnetisation);
1803 p->setID(i);
1804 i++;
1805 p->setSActivity(sActivity);
1806 }
1807 }
1808 }
1810 template<>
1812 {
1813 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
1814 std::list<MagneticParticle3D<double>*> particlesList;
1815 pS->_Agglomerates.push_back(particlesList) ;
1816 }
1817 }
1819 template<>
1821 {
1822 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
1823 pS->initAggloParticles() ;
1824 }
1825 }
1827 template<>
1829 {
1830 int pSi = 0;
1831 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
1832 pS->findAgglomerates() ;
1834 if (iT % itVtkOutputMagParticles == 0) {
1836 clout << "Particlesystem number: " << pSi << std::endl;
1837 clout << "Number of non agglomerated particles" << ": " << pS->_Agglomerates[0].size() << std::endl;
1838 clout << "Number of agglomerated particles" << ": " << pS->size() - pS->_Agglomerates[0].size() << std::endl;
1839 clout << "Proportion of agglomeratet particles" << ": "
1840 << double(pS->size() - pS->_Agglomerates[0].size()) / double(pS->size()) * 100. << "%" << std::endl;
1841 clout << "Number of agglomerates" << ": " << pS->_Agglomerates.size() - 1 << std::endl;
1842 }
1843 pSi++;
1844 }
1845 }
1847 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1849 IndicatorCuboid3D<T>& cuboid, T pMass, T pRad,/* number of particles on x, y, z axis*/
1850 int nox, int noy, int noz, std::vector<T> vel)
1851 {
1852 std::vector < T > pos(3, 0.);
1853 Vector<T, 3> minPos(cuboid.getMin());
1854 bool indic[1] = { false };
1856 clout << "Number of particles to create: nox*noy*noz = "
1857 << nox * noy * noz << std::endl;
1859 T xlength = cuboid.getMax()[0] - cuboid.getMin()[0];
1860 T ylength = cuboid.getMax()[1] - cuboid.getMin()[1];
1861 T zlength = cuboid.getMax()[2] - cuboid.getMin()[2];
1862 int modNox = nox - 1, modNoy = noy - 1, modNoz = noz - 1;
1863 if (nox == 1) {
1864 modNox = 1;
1865 }
1866 if (noy == 1) {
1867 modNoy = 1;
1868 }
1869 if (noz == 1) {
1870 modNoz = 1;
1871 }
1873 for (int i = 0; i < nox; ++i) {
1874 pos[0] = minPos[0] + (T) (i) * xlength / modNox;
1875 for (int j = 0; j < noy; ++j) {
1876 pos[1] = minPos[1] + (T) (j) * ylength / modNoy;
1877 for (int k = 0; k < noz; ++k) {
1878 pos[2] = minPos[2] + (T) (k) * zlength / modNoz;
1880 if (cuboid(indic, &pos[0])) {
1881 PARTICLETYPE<T> p(pos, vel, pMass, pRad);
1882 addParticle(p);
1883 }
1884 }
1885 }
1886 }
1887 clout << "Number of created particles = "
1888 << globalNumOfParticles() << std::endl;
1889 }
1891 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1893 IndicatorCuboid3D<T>& cuboid, int nox, int noy, int noz, PARTICLETYPE<T>& p)
1894 {
1895 std::vector < T > pos(3, 0.);
1896 int id = 0;
1897 Vector<T, 3> minPos(cuboid.getMin());
1898 PARTICLETYPE<T> pCopy(p);
1899 bool indic[1] = { false };
1901 clout << "Number of particles to create: nox*noy*noz = "
1902 << nox * noy * noz << std::endl;
1904 T xlength = cuboid.getMax()[0] - cuboid.getMin()[0];
1905 T ylength = cuboid.getMax()[1] - cuboid.getMin()[1];
1906 T zlength = cuboid.getMax()[2] - cuboid.getMin()[2];
1907 int modNox = nox - 1, modNoy = noy - 1, modNoz = noz - 1;
1908 if (nox == 1) {
1909 modNox = 1;
1910 }
1911 if (noy == 1) {
1912 modNoy = 1;
1913 }
1914 if (noz == 1) {
1915 modNoz = 1;
1916 }
1918 for (int i = 0; i < nox; ++i) {
1919 pos[0] = minPos[0] + (T) (i) * xlength / modNox;
1920 for (int j = 0; j < noy; ++j) {
1921 pos[1] = minPos[1] + (T) (j) * ylength / modNoy;
1922 for (int k = 0; k < noz; ++k) {
1923 pos[2] = minPos[2] + (T) (k) * zlength / modNoz;
1925 if (cuboid(indic, &pos[0])) {
1926 pCopy.setPos(pos);
1927 pCopy.setID(id);
1928 addParticle(pCopy);
1929 id++;
1930 }
1931 }
1932 }
1933 }
1934 clout << "Number of created particles = "
1935 << globalNumOfParticles() << std::endl;
1936 }
1938 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1940 IndicatorF3D<T>& ind, int idTP, T mas, T rad, int noTP, std::vector<T> vel)
1941 {
1942 srand(clock());
1943 std::vector < T > pos(3, 0.);
1944 bool indic[1] = { false };
1946 noTP += globalNumOfTracerParticles();
1947 while (globalNumOfTracerParticles() < noTP) {
1948 pos[0] = ind.getMin()[0]
1949 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[0] - ind.getMin()[0]);
1950 pos[1] = ind.getMin()[1]
1951 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[1] - ind.getMin()[1]);
1952 pos[2] = ind.getMin()[2]
1953 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[2] - ind.getMin()[2]);
1956 singleton::mpi().bCast(&*pos.begin(), 3);
1959 int x0, y0, z0, C;
1960 std::vector<int> locLat(4, 0);
1961 if (this->_cuboidGeometry.getFloorLatticeR(pos, locLat)) {
1962 C = locLat[0];
1963 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(C) == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
1964 x0 = locLat[1];
1965 y0 = locLat[2];
1966 z0 = locLat[3];
1967 if (_superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0, z0) == 1
1968 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1969 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1970 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1971 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0, z0) == 1
1972 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
1973 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
1974 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
1975 && ind(indic, &pos[0])
1976 && !util::nearZero(idTP)) {
1977 PARTICLETYPE<T> p(pos, vel, mas, rad, idTP, mas);
1978 addParticle(p);
1979 }
1980 }
1981 }
1982 }
1983 }
1986 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
1988 IndicatorF3D<T>& ind, T partRho, T mu, T sigma, int no, T appProb, std::vector<T> vel)
1989 {
1991 srand(clock());
1993 //Randomization for Appearance-Likelyhood
1994 T rndmApp[1] = {(T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000.};
1997 singleton::mpi().bCast(rndmApp, 1);
2000 if (rndmApp[0] <= appProb ) {
2002 std::vector<T> pos(3, 0.);
2003 T rad;
2004 T mas;
2006 bool indic[1] = { false };
2008 no += globalNumOfParticles();
2009 while (globalNumOfParticles() < no) {
2010 pos[0] = ind.getMin()[0]
2011 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[0] - ind.getMin()[0]);
2012 pos[1] = ind.getMin()[1]
2013 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[1] - ind.getMin()[1]);
2014 pos[2] = ind.getMin()[2]
2015 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[2] - ind.getMin()[2]);
2017 //Normally Distributed Particle Radius (Box-Muller Method)
2018 T u1 = (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000.;
2019 T u2 = (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000.;
2021 T x = util::cos(2 * M_PI * u1) * util::sqrt(-2 * util::log(u2));
2022 rad = mu + x * sigma;
2023 mas = 4. / 3. * M_PI * util::pow( rad, 3 ) * partRho;
2026 singleton::mpi().bCast(&*pos.begin(), 3);
2029 int x0, y0, z0, C;
2030 std::vector<int> locLat(4, 0);
2031 if (this->_cuboidGeometry.getFloorLatticeR(pos, locLat)) {
2032 C = locLat[0];
2033 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(C) == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
2034 x0 = locLat[1];
2035 y0 = locLat[2];
2036 z0 = locLat[3];
2037 if (_superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0, z0) == 1
2038 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
2039 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
2040 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
2041 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0, z0) == 1
2042 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0) == 1
2043 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0, z0 + 1) == 1
2044 && _superGeometry.get(C, x0 + 1, y0 + 1, z0 + 1) == 1
2045 && ind(indic, &pos[0])) {
2046 PARTICLETYPE<T> p(pos, vel, mas, rad);
2047 addParticle(p);
2048 }
2049 }
2050 }
2051 }
2052 }
2053 }
2056 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2058 IndicatorCuboid3D<T>& ind, T pMass, T pRad, std::vector<T> vel,
2059 T conc, T minDist, bool checkDist)
2060 {
2062 srand(clock());
2063 bool indic[1] = { false };
2064 std::vector < T > pos(3, 0.);
2065 int size = T();
2066 T dist = T();
2067 Vector<T, 3> diff;
2068 int C;
2070 T indicatorVol = (ind.getMax()[0] - ind.getMin()[0])
2071 * (ind.getMax()[1] - ind.getMin()[1])
2072 * (ind.getMax()[2] - ind.getMin()[2]);
2074 int noParticles = (int) (conc * indicatorVol / (4. / 3 * M_PI * util::pow(pRad, 3)));
2076 if (checkDist == true && (noParticles * util::pow(minDist, 3) * 4 / 3. * M_PI > indicatorVol) ) {
2077 std::cout << "Error: minDist too large" << std::endl;
2078 exit(-1);
2079 }
2081 std::cout << " noparticles " << noParticles << std::endl;
2083 noParticles += globalNumOfParticles();
2085 while (globalNumOfParticles() < noParticles) {
2087 pos[0] = ind.getMin()[0]
2088 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[0] - ind.getMin()[0]);
2089 pos[1] = ind.getMin()[1]
2090 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[1] - ind.getMin()[1]);
2091 pos[2] = ind.getMin()[2]
2092 + (T) (rand() % 100000) / 100000. * (ind.getMax()[2] - ind.getMin()[2]);
2095 singleton::mpi().bCast(&*pos.begin(), 3);
2098 std::vector<int> locLat(4, 0);
2099 if (this->_cuboidGeometry.getFloorLatticeR(pos, locLat)) {
2100 C = locLat[0];
2101 //related cuboidID of util::floor lattice position
2102 if (this->_loadBalancer.rank(C) == singleton::mpi().getRank()) {
2104 if (ind(indic, &pos[0])) {
2106 int psno = 0;
2107 int globIC = 0;
2108 for (unsigned int pS = 0; pS < _pSystems.size(); ++pS) {
2109 globIC = this->_loadBalancer.glob(pS);
2110 if (globIC == C) {
2111 size = _pSystems[pS]->sizeInclShadow();
2112 psno = pS;
2113 }
2114 }
2115 if (size == 0) {
2116 PARTICLETYPE<T> p(pos, vel, pMass, pRad);
2117 addParticle(p);
2118 }
2119 else {
2120 for (int j = 0; j < size;) {
2121 diff[0] = _pSystems[psno]->operator[](j).getPos()[0]
2122 - pos[0];
2123 diff[1] = _pSystems[psno]->operator[](j).getPos()[1]
2124 - pos[1];
2125 diff[2] = _pSystems[psno]->operator[](j).getPos()[2]
2126 - pos[2];
2127 dist = norm(diff);
2129 if (dist < minDist) {
2130 goto marke;
2131 }
2132 if (j == (size - 1)) {
2133 PARTICLETYPE<T> p(pos, vel, pMass, pRad);
2134 addParticle(p);
2135 j += 1;
2136 }
2137 else {
2138 j += 1;
2139 }
2140 }
2141 }
2142 marke:
2143 ;
2144 }
2145 }
2146 }
2147 }
2148 }
2150 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2153 {
2154 for (unsigned int pS = 0; pS < _pSystems.size(); ++pS) {
2155 int globIC = this->_loadBalancer.glob(pS);
2156 if (globIC != p.getCuboid() && checkCuboid(p, _overlap, globIC)
2157 && !checkCuboid(p, 0, globIC)) {
2158 _pSystems[pS]->addShadowParticle(p);
2159 }
2160 }
2161 }
2163 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2164 std::vector<ParticleSystem3D<T, PARTICLETYPE>*> SuperParticleSystem3D<T,
2165 PARTICLETYPE>::getParticleSystems()
2166 {
2167 return _pSystems;
2168 }
2170 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2172 int i)
2173 {
2174 return *(_pSystems[i]);
2175 }
2177 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2179 std::shared_ptr<Force3D<T, PARTICLETYPE> > f)
2180 {
2181 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
2182 pS->addForce(f);
2183 }
2184 }
2186 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2188 std::shared_ptr<Boundary3D<T, PARTICLETYPE> > b)
2189 {
2190 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
2191 pS->addBoundary(b);
2192 }
2193 }
2195 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2197 std::shared_ptr<ParticleOperation3D<T, PARTICLETYPE> > o)
2198 {
2199 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
2200 pS->addParticleOperation(o);
2201 }
2202 }
2204 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2206 {
2207 std::string fullName = createFileName(name) + ".particles";
2209 int rank = 0;
2212 int size = 1;
2213 size = singleton::mpi().getSize();
2214 rank = singleton::mpi().getRank();
2217 if (rank == 0) {
2218 std::ofstream fout(fullName.c_str(), std::ios::trunc);
2219 if (!fout) {
2220 clout << "Error: could not open " << fullName << std::endl;
2221 }
2222 fout.close();
2223 }
2225 if (rank > 0) {
2226 int prev = rank - 1;
2227 int buffer = 0;
2228 MPI_Status status;
2229 MPI_Recv(&buffer, 1, MPI_INT, prev, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
2230 }
2232 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
2233 pS->saveToFile(fullName);
2234 }
2236 if (rank < size - 1) {
2237 int next = rank + 1;
2238 int buffer = 0;
2239 MPI_Send(&buffer, 1, MPI_INT, next, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
2240 }
2242 }
2244 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2246 std::string name, T mass, T radius)
2247 {
2248 std::string fullName = createFileName(name) + ".particles";
2249 std::ifstream fin(fullName.c_str());
2251 std::string line;
2252 while (std::getline(fin, line)) {
2253 std::istringstream iss(line);
2254 T buffer[PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize];
2255 for (int i = 0; i < PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize; i++) {
2256 iss >> buffer[i];
2257 }
2259 p.unserialize(buffer);
2260 if ( !util::nearZero(radius) ) {
2261 p.setRad(radius);
2262 }
2263 if ( !util::nearZero(mass) ) {
2264 p.setMass(mass);
2265 }
2266 addParticle(p);
2267 }
2268 }
2270 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2272 std::string name)
2273 {
2274 std::string fullName = createFileName(name) + ".csv";
2275 std::ifstream fin(fullName.c_str());
2277 std::string line;
2278 std::getline(fin, line);//first line is header
2279 //std::cout << line << std::endl;
2280 int counter = 0;
2281 T line_size = 13;
2282 while (std::getline(fin, line)) {
2283 //std::cout << counter << std::endl;
2284 std::istringstream iss(line);
2286 T para_buffer[13];
2287 std::string A;
2288 iss >> A;
2289 T buffer[PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize];
2290 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PARTICLETYPE<T>::serialPartSize; i++) {
2292 buffer[i]=1.;
2293 }
2294 for (unsigned int i = 1; i < line_size; i++) {
2295 iss >> para_buffer[i];
2296 }
2297 for (unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++)
2298 {
2299 buffer[i] = para_buffer[i+5];
2300 buffer[i+3] = para_buffer[i+10];
2301 }
2302 buffer[9] = para_buffer[4];
2303 buffer[12] = para_buffer[9];
2304 buffer[14] = para_buffer[3];
2305 buffer[15] = counter;
2307 p.unserialize(buffer);
2309 /*
2310 if ( !util::nearZero(radius) ) {
2311 p.setRad(radius);
2312 }
2313 if ( !util::nearZero(mass) ) {
2314 p.setMass(mass);
2315 }*/
2316 addParticle(p);
2317 if ( !util::nearZero(radius) ) {
2318 p.setRad(0.000001);
2319 }
2320 if ( !util::nearZero(mass) ) {
2321 p.setMass(1.);
2322 }
2323 counter++;
2324 }
2325 }
2329 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2331 {
2332 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
2333 pS->clearParticles();
2334 }
2335 }
2337 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2339 ContactDetection<T, PARTICLETYPE>& contactDetection)
2340 {
2341 clout << "Setting ContactDetectionAlgorithm " << contactDetection.getName() << std::endl;
2343 for (auto pS : _pSystems) {
2344 pS->setContactDetection(contactDetection);
2345 }
2346 }
2348 template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2350 ContactDetection<T, PARTICLETYPE>& contactDetection, int pSysNr)
2351 {
2352 clout << "Setting ContactDetectionAlgorithm for pSys: " << pSysNr
2353 << " = " << contactDetection.getName() << std::endl;
2355 _pSystems[pSysNr]->setContactDetection(contactDetection);
2356 // this->getParticleSystems()[pSysNr]->setContactDetection(contactDetection);
2357 }
2360 //template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2361 //template<typename DESCRIPTOR>
2362 //void SuperParticleSystem3D<T, PARTICLETYPE>::particleOnFluid(
2363 // SuperLattice<T, DESCRIPTOR>& sLattice, T eps,
2364 // SuperGeometry<T,3>& sGeometry) {
2365 // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _pSystems.size(); ++i) {
2366 // _pSystems[i]->particleOnFluid(
2367 // // sLattice.getBlock(i),
2368 // sLattice.getBlock(i),
2369 // sLattice.getCuboidGeometry().get(this->_loadBalancer.glob(i)),
2370 // sLattice.getOverlap(), eps, sGeometry.getBlockGeometry(i));
2371 // }
2372 //}
2373 //
2374 //template<typename T, template<typename U> class PARTICLETYPE>
2375 //template<typename DESCRIPTOR>
2376 //void SuperParticleSystem3D<T, PARTICLETYPE>::resetFluid(
2377 // SuperLattice<T, DESCRIPTOR>& sLattice) {
2378 // for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _pSystems.size(); ++i) {
2379 // _pSystems[i]->resetFluid(
2380 // // sLattice.getBlock(i),
2381 // sLattice.getBlock(i),
2382 // sLattice.getCuboidGeometry().get(this->_loadBalancer.glob(i)),
2383 // sLattice.getOverlap());
2384 // }
2385 //}
2387 //template<typename T>
2388 //class SuperRotParticleSystem3D : public SuperParticleSystem3D<T, RotatingParticle3D> {
2389 // public:
2390 // SuperRotParticleSystem3D(SuperGeometry<T,3>& sg, UnitConverter<T,DESCRIPTOR>& conv): SuperParticleSystem3D<T, RotatingParticle3D>(sg, conv)
2391 // {};
2392 // void simulate(T dT) {
2393 // for (auto pS : this->_pSystems) {
2394 // pS->_contactDetection->sort();
2395 // pS->simulate(dT);
2396 // pS->computeTorque();
2397 // pS->computeBoundary();
2398 // }
2399 // this->updateParticleDistribution();
2400 // }
2401 //};
2403}//namespace olb
#define M_PI
AnalyticalConst: DD -> XD, where XD is defined by value.size()
Definition analyticalF.h:78
Abstact base class for BaseBackCouplingModel.
virtual void resetExternalField(int material)=0
Resets external field.
virtual void communicate()=0
Communicates POPULATION and FORCE fields if the model is non-local.
Prototype for all particle boundaries.
Definition boundary3D.h:43
A cuboid geometry represents a voxel mesh.
Prototype for all particle forces.
Definition force3D.h:43
Abstact base class for all the forward-coupling models Its raison d'etre consists of not being temple...
indicator function for a 3D circle
Vector< S, 3 > const & getCenter() const
Vector< S, 3 > const & getNormal() const
indicator function for a 3d-cuboid, parallel to the planes x=0, y=0, z=0.
IndicatorF3D is an application from .
virtual Vector< S, 3 > & getMax()
virtual Vector< S, 3 > & getMin()
Base class for all LoadBalancer.
void addForce(std::shared_ptr< Force3D< T, PARTICLETYPE > > pF)
Add a force to ParticleSystem.
Representation of a statistic for a parallel 2D geometry.
The class superParticleSystem is the basis for particulate flows within OpenLB.
void addParticleOperation(std::shared_ptr< ParticleOperation3D< T, PARTICLETYPE > > o)
Add an operation to system.
void saveToFile(std::string name)
Save Particles to file. Add using addParticlesFromFile(std::string name, T mass, T radius);.
void setParticlesPosRandom(T posFactor)
Changes particle positions randomly.
void setMagneticParticlesdMomRandom()
Gives random dipolemoment orientation to all MagneticParticle3D.
void addBoundary(std::shared_ptr< Boundary3D< T, PARTICLETYPE > > b)
Add a boundary to system.
void setOverlap(T)
Set overlap of ParticleSystems, overlap has to be in lattice units particle system _overlap+1 <= _sup...
void clearParticles()
Removes all particles from System.
void updateParticleDistribution()
Redistribute particles on compute nodes.
int globalNumOfShadowParticles()
Get global number of shadow particles (particles hold in overlap)
void setParticlesVelRandom(T velFactor)
Gives random velocity to all particles.
void addParticleEquallyDistributed(IndicatorCuboid3D< T > &cuboid, T pMass, T pRad, int nox, int noy, int noz, std::vector< T > vel={0., 0., 0.})
Add a number of identical particles equally distributed in a given Material Number.
T getOverlap()
Get overlap of ParticleSystems.
void printDeep(std::string message="")
void simulateWithTwoWayCoupling_Davide(T dT, ForwardCouplingModel< T, PARTICLETYPE > &forwardCoupling, BackCouplingModel< T, PARTICLETYPE > &backCoupling, int material, int subSteps=1, bool resetExternalField=true, bool scale=false)
void addParticle(PARTICLETYPE< T > &p)
Add a Particle to SuperParticleSystem.
void init()
Init the SuperParticleSystem.
void addForce(std::shared_ptr< Force3D< T, PARTICLETYPE > > f)
Add a force to system.
void prepareAgglomerates()
Agglomerate detection functions: Todo: enable for parallel mode Initializes an empty agglomerate list...
int rankNumOfShadowParticles()
Get number of shadow particles computed on this node.
void addParticlesFromParaviewFile(std::string name)
Add particles form a File. Save using saveToFile(std::string name)
void addParticleWithDistance(IndicatorCuboid3D< T > &ind, T pMass, T pRad, std::vector< T > vel, T conc, T minDist, bool checkDist)
Generates particles with specific volume concentration conc equally and randomly distributed in given...
void captureEscapeRate(std::list< int > mat)
console output of escape (E), capture (C) rate for material numbers mat
void findAgglomerates(int iT, int itVtkOutputMagParticles)
Detects and manages particle agglomerates.
bool checkCuboid(PARTICLETYPE< T > &p, T overlap)
Check if particle is still on cuboid.
void setVelToAnalyticalVel(AnalyticalConst3D< T, T > &)
Set particle velocity to analytical velocity (e.g. as initial condition.
bool findCuboid(PARTICLETYPE< T > &, int overlap)
Find the cuboid the particle is on.
void addParticleBoxMuller(IndicatorF3D< T > &ind, T partRho, T mu, T sigma, int no=1, T appProb=1., std::vector< T > vel={0., 0., 0.})
Add a number of nonidentical particles with normally distributed radius (Box-Muller Method) in a give...
void getOutput(std::string filename, int iT, T conversionFactorTime, unsigned short particleProperties)
Get Output of particleMovement Write the data of the particle movement into an txtFile.
int globalNumOfActiveParticles()
Get global number of active particles.
void diffEscapeRate(std::list< int > mat, int &globalPSum, int &pSumOutlet, T &diffEscapeRate, T &maxDiffEscapeRate, int iT, int iTConsole, T genPartPerTimeStep=0)
Console output of differential escape rate for material numbers mat (e.g.
void addShadowParticle(PARTICLETYPE< T > &p)
Add a shadow particle to system.
int countMaterial(int mat)
Get number of particles in the vicinity of material number mat.
void simulateWithTwoWayCoupling_Mathias(T dT, ForwardCouplingModel< T, PARTICLETYPE > &forwardCoupling, BackCouplingModel< T, PARTICLETYPE > &backCoupling, int material, int subSteps=1, bool resetExternalField=true, bool scale=false)
Integrate on Timestep dT with two-way coupling, scale = true keeps the particle velocity in stable ra...
int rankNumOfParticles()
Get number of particles computed on this node.
void addTracerParticle(IndicatorF3D< T > &ind, int idTP, T mas, T rad, int noTP=1, std::vector< T > vel={0., 0., 0.})
Add a number of particles with a certain ID (TracerParticle) equally distributed in a given Indicator...
void setVelToFluidVel(SuperLatticeInterpPhysVelocity3D< T, DESCRIPTOR > &)
Set particle velocity to fluid velocity (e.g. as initial condition.
void simulate(T dT, bool scale=false)
Integrate on Timestep dT, scale = true keeps the particle velocity in stable range.
int rankNumOfTracerParticles()
Get number of TracerParticles computed on this node.
void setMagneticParticles(std::vector< T > dMoment, std::vector< T > vel, std::vector< T > aVel, std::vector< T > torque, T magnetisation)
Gives specific attributes to all MagneticParticle3D.
bool particleSActivityTest(int sActivity)
Tests if particles with specific sActivity exist.
int globalNumOfTracerParticles()
Get number of TracerParticles computed on this node.
std::vector< int > numOfForces()
Get number of linked Forces.
SuperParticleSystem3D(CuboidGeometry3D< T > &cuboidGeometry, LoadBalancer< T > &loadBalancer, SuperGeometry< T, 3 > &)
Constructor for SuperParticleSystem.
int rankNumOfActiveParticles()
Get number of active particles computed on this node.
ParticleSystem3D< T, PARTICLETYPE > & operator[](int i)
Get a ParticleSystem.
void generateParticlesCircleInletMassConcentration(IndicatorCircle3D< T > &indicatorCircle, T particleMassConcentration, T charPhysVelocity, T conversionFactorTime, SuperLatticeInterpPhysVelocity3D< T, DESCRIPTOR > &getVel, PARTICLETYPE< T > &p, std::set< int > material, int iT, T &particlesPerPhyTimeStep, std::vector< T > &inletVec, std::deque< std::vector< T > > &posDeq, int deqSize)
Generates particle at a circle shaped inlet, amount given by mass concentration in feedstream.
void setContactDetection(ContactDetection< T, PARTICLETYPE > &contactDetection)
Set contact detection algorithm for particle-particle contact. Not yet implemented.
int globalNumOfParticles()
Get global number of particles.
void addParticlesFromFile(std::string name, T mass, T radius)
Add particles form a File. Save using saveToFile(std::string name)
void addHL3DParticle(IndicatorF3D< T > &ind, std::set< int > material, T mas, T rad, int no=1, std::vector< T > vel={0., 0., 0.}, T surface=1., T volume=1.)
void setContactDetectionForPSys(ContactDetection< T, PARTICLETYPE > &contactDetection, int pSysNr)
Set contact detection algorithm for particle-particle contact. Not yet implemented.
void initAggloParticles()
Adds new generated particles to the list of non agglomerated Particles.
int numOfPSystems()
Get number of ParticleSystems.
Plain old scalar vector.
Definition vector.h:47
void bCast(T *sendBuf, int sendCount, int root=0, MPI_Comm comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
Broadcast data from one processor to multiple processors.
int getSize() const
Returns the number of processes.
void iSend(T *buf, int count, int dest, MPI_Request *request, int tag=0, MPI_Comm comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
Sends data at *buf, non blocking.
void reduceAndBcast(T &reductVal, MPI_Op op, int root=0, MPI_Comm comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
Reduction operation, followed by a broadcast.
int getRank() const
Returns the process ID.
void waitAll(MpiNonBlockingHelper &mpiNbHelper)
Complete a series of non-blocking MPI operations.
void barrier(MPI_Comm comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
Synchronizes the processes.
void receive(T *buf, int count, int source, int tag=0, MPI_Comm comm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
Receives data at *buf, blocking.
Helper class for non blocking MPI communication.
Definition mpiManager.h:51
void allocate(unsigned i)
Allocates memory.
MPI_Request * get_mpiRequest(int i=0) const
Get the specified request object.
These functions help you to create file names.
constexpr T m(unsigned iPop, unsigned jPop, tag::MRT)
MpiManager & mpi()
cpu::simd::Pack< T > sqrt(cpu::simd::Pack< T > value)
Definition pack.h:100
cpu::simd::Pack< T > min(cpu::simd::Pack< T > rhs, cpu::simd::Pack< T > lhs)
Definition pack.h:124
ADf< T, DIM > log(const ADf< T, DIM > &a)
Definition aDiff.h:475
cpu::simd::Pack< T > max(cpu::simd::Pack< T > rhs, cpu::simd::Pack< T > lhs)
Definition pack.h:130
cpu::simd::Pack< T > pow(cpu::simd::Pack< T > base, cpu::simd::Pack< T > exp)
Definition pack.h:112
bool nearZero(const ADf< T, DIM > &a)
Definition aDiff.h:1087
ADf< T, DIM > cos(const ADf< T, DIM > &a)
Definition aDiff.h:578
Top level namespace for all of OpenLB.
std::string createFileName(std::string name)
for .pvd masterFile
Definition fileName.hh:34
constexpr std::vector< T > toStdVector(const ScalarVector< T, D, IMPL > &a)
Copies data into a standard vector.
constexpr T norm(const ScalarVector< T, D, IMPL > &a)
Euclidean vector norm.
constexpr Vector< T, 3 > crossProduct3D(const ScalarVector< T, 3, IMPL > &a, const ScalarVector< T, 3, IMPL_ > &b) any_platform
Definition vector.h:224
constexpr Vector< T, D > normalize(const ScalarVector< T, D, IMPL > &a, T scale=T{1})
Definition vector.h:245