Project Coordinator:
Mathias J. Krause (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) [LinkedIn-Profile]
Current Code Developers:
Sam Avis, Michael Rennick, Halim Kusumaatmaja (superviser) (Durham University)
- Dynamics: multicomponent free energy model
Fedor Bukreev (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Reaction: adsorption and reaction models
- Examples: adsorption examples
- Organization: testing
Davide Dapelo (University of Bradford)
- Core: power-law unit converter
- Dynamics: Guo-Zhao porous, contributions on power-law, contributions on HLBM
- Examples: advectionDiffusionReaction2dFiniteDifference
- Functors: contributions on indicator and smooth indicator
Nicolas Hafen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Dynamics: HLBM updates
- Examples: resolved particle simulations
- Particles: particle framework refactoring, sub-grid scale refactoring
Julius Jeßberger (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Core: solver, template momenta concept
- Examples: optimization refactoring (2021-)
- Optimization: refactoring (2021-)
- Postprocessing: error analysis
- Utilities: alogithmic differentiation
Mathias J. Krause (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Core: hybrid-parallelization approach, super structure
- Communication: OpenMP parallelization, cuboid data structure for MPI parallelization, load balancing
- General: makefile environment for compilation
- Boundary: Bouzidi boundary condition, convection
- Geometry: concept, parallelization, statistics
- Functors: concept, div. functors implementation
- Examples: venturi3d, aorta3d, optimization (-2020)
- Optimization: (-2020)
- Organization: integration and maintenance of added components (2008-)
- Organization: project management (2006-)
- Utilities: algorithmic differentiation
Adrian Kummerländer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Dynamics: meta descriptors, abstract field concept, dynamics and momenta concept
- Core: population and field data structure, propagation pattern, vector hierarchy, cell interface, field data interface, automatic code generation
- Communication: inter-block propagation, field communication
- Platforms: heterogeneous super structure, SIMD support, GPGPU support
- Functors: lp-norm, flux, reduction, lattice indicator, error norms, refinement quality criterion, composition
- Boundaries: water-tightness testing and post-processor priority
- Post Processors: new concepts, coupling refactoring
- Organization: CI maintenance, Nix environment
Jan E. Marquardt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Dynamics: contributions to resolved particle HLBM, Euler-Euler particle
- Functors: particle helper
- Particles: framework refactoring, resolved particle refactoring
- Utilities: alogithmic differentiation
Johanna Mödl (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Core: convection diffusion reaction dynamics
- Examples: advectionDiffusionReaction2d
Tim Pertzel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Organization: web development and administration
Maximilian Schecher (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- PostProcessor: free surface
- Examples: free surface examples
Stephan Simonis (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Core: ade unit converter
- Examples: advectionDiffusion1d, advectionDiffusion2d
- Documentation: user guide, dynamics: MRT, KBC, Cumulant, entropic LB, free energy model
Dennis Teutscher (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Organization: vizualization, user guide
Former Code Developers:
Amani Arfaoui and Saada Badie (ENSTA ParisTech)
- Core: performence improvements for D3Q19 BGK collision operator
Lukas Baron (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Utililies: (parallel) console output
- Utililies: time and performance measurement
- Dynamics: porous media model
- Functors: concept, div. functors implementation
Vojtech Cvrcek (Czech Technical University)
- Functors: 2D adaption
- Examples: updates
Tim Dornieden (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Functors: smooth start scaling
Jonas Fietz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- IO: configure file parsing based on XML
- Communication: heuristic load balancer
- IO: octree STL reader interface to CVMLCPP (< release 0.9)
Benjamin Förster (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Core: super data implementation
- Functors: new discrete indicator
- IO: new serializer and serializable implementation, vti writer, new vti reader
Max Gaedtke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Core: unit converter
- Dynamics: thermal
- Examples: thermal
Marc Haußmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Dynamics: turbulence
- Examples: tgv3d, poiseuilleFlow3d
- IO: gnuplot heatmap
Thomas Henn (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- IO: voxelizer interface based on STL
- Particles: particulate flows
Jonathan Jeppener-Haltenhoff (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Core: contributions to define field
- Examples: contributions to poiseuille3d, channel3d
- Functors: wall shear stress
Claudius Holeksa (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- PostProcessor: free surface
- Examples: free surface examples
Fabian Klemens (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Functors: flux
- IO: gnuplot plots
Jonas Kratzke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Core: unit converter
- IO: GUI interface based on description files and OpenGPI
- Boundaries: Bouzidi boundary condition
Louis Kronberg (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Core: ade unit converter
- Examples: advectionDiffusion1d, advectionDiffusion2d, bstep2d
Jonas Latt (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
- Core: basic block structure
- Dynmaic: basic dynamics structure
- Communication: basic parallel block lattice approach (< release 0.9)
- Organization: integration and maintenance of added components (2006-2008)
- Organization: project management (2006-2008)
Marie-Luise Maier (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Particles: particulate flows
Orestis Malaspinas (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
- Boundaries: alternative boundary conditions (Inamuro, Zou/He, Nonlinear FD)
- Dynamics: alternative LB models (Entropic LB, MRT)
Cyril Masquelier (ENSTA ParisTech)
- Functors: indicator, smooth indicator
Albert Mink (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Functors: aritmethic
- IO: parallel VTK interface
Markus Mohrhard (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- General: makefile environment for parallel compilation
Patrick Nathen (Technische Universität München)
- Dynamics: turbulence modelling (advanced subgrid-scale models)
- Examples: nozzle3d
Aleksandra Pachalieva (Technische Universität München)
- Dynamics: thermal (MRT model)
- Examples: thermal (MRT model)
Alexander Schulz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Boundaries: restructure interfaces
Bernd Stahl (University of Geneva)
- Communication: 3D extension to MultiBlock structure for MPI parallelization (< release 0.9)
- Core: parallel version of (scalar or tensor-valued) data fields (< release 0.9)
- IO: VTK output of data (< release 0.9)
Robin Trunk (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Dynamics: parallel thermal models, 3D HLBM, Euler-Euler particle
- Examples: resolved particle simulations
Peter Weisbrod (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Examples: structure and show cases
- Dynamics: parallel multi phase/component
Gilles Zahnd (ENSTA ParisTech)
- Functors: rotating frame functors
Asher Zarth (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Core: vector implementation
Simon Zimny (German Reseach School for Simulation Sciences)
- IO: pre-processing: automated setting of boundary conditions