Reply To: Smagorinsky Turbulence Model and TRT collision operator
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on Lattice Boltzmann Methods › General Topics › Smagorinsky Turbulence Model and TRT collision operator › Reply To: Smagorinsky Turbulence Model and TRT collision operator
Hey Marc!
Sorry for the late reply and thanks for your advice!
So far I have used the simple Zou/He boundaries with my D2Q9-lattice and Hecht/Harting with the D3Q19-lattice for pressure and velocity boundaries as well as anti-bounce-back for pressure and Ladd’s boundary condition for velocity inlets. When coupling them with turbulence models all of them but Ladd’s boundary condition yield nodes of unphysically high velocity near the boundary and become instable when under-resolved which makes them very little attractive. Thus so far I have a stable velocity inlet but no stable pressure outlet.
Bouzidi for the case of q=1/2 seems just to be a special case of Ladd’s method where the density of the model is assumed 1, isn’t it? Haserta et al. (ICCS 2011) mention that they use a Bouzidi pressure outlet as well but all I could find is a velocity inlet.
And by interpolated boundaries you intend extrapolated boundaries like Guo’s non-equilibrium extrapolation method?
Thanks a lot