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Reply To: Pseudopotential multiphase method boundaries and thermal coupling

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Pseudopotential multiphase method boundaries and thermal coupling Reply To: Pseudopotential multiphase method boundaries and thermal coupling


Hi mithdrates,

I assume you use the latest version of OpenLB, 1.3? If not, I recommend checking the latest version first.

to 1) The SC-Coupling accesses neighboring cells and calls calcRho on them. However, for boundary cells not every neighbor is a valid cell. Thus try to add the coupling procedure only on fluid cells, rather than the whole lattice. Do so by changing the line sLattice.addLatticeCoupling( coupling, sLattice ); to sLattice.addLatticeCoupling( superGeometry, 1, coupling, sLattice);. This will execute the coupling only on cells with material number 1.

to 2) If I understand correctly, what you could try is setting a constant gravitational force to the whole domain. The thermal SC-Method will then change the density for every cell according to the EOC, which will result in buoyancy. Stability with these coupled methods is not easy to achieve, I recommend to use proposed parameters from the literature first and then evolve from that to analyse the stable domain.

to 3) the sourced advection-diffusion dynamics are implemented after

Seta, T. (2013). Implicit temperature-correction-based immersed-boundary thermal lattice Boltzmann method for the simulation of natural convection. Physical Review E, 87(6), 063304.

Have a look in there for details of the source term.

Best regards,