Reply To: Problem in example code porousPoiseuille2d
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › Problem in example code porousPoiseuille2d › Reply To: Problem in example code porousPoiseuille2d
Dear Dr. Mathias,
I think the channel width in simulation is correctly set. In spite of the convergence problem, there are still a few other forcing problems.
I used these commands to output the forces:
SuperLatticeGuoZhaoPhysBodyForce2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> bodyForce(sLattice, converter);
SuperLatticePhysDarcyForce2D<T, DESCRIPTOR> darcyForce(sLattice, superGeometry,1 ,converter);
SuperLatticeField2D<T,DESCRIPTOR,olb::descriptors::FORCE> FORCE_field (sLattice);
The body force outputted is 10, however the imposed body force is 10000. The output Darcy force is always zero. The external force “olb::descriptors::FORCE>” is also not matching.
Junwei Guo