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Reply To: Is that a typo in olb source code


Dear Mathias,

I’m using the newest version, i.e. version 1.3-1.

In file /src/boundary/boundaryInstantiator3D.h

 580           else if (discreteNormal[0] == 2) {
  581             if (discreteNormal[1] == 1 && discreteNormal[2] == 1 && discreteNormal[3] == 1) {
  582               addInternalVelocityCorner<1,1,1>(iX,iY,iZ, omega);
  583             }
  584             else if (discreteNormal[1] == 1 && discreteNormal[2] == -1 && discreteNormal[3] == 1) {
  585               addExternalVelocityCorner<1,-1,1>(iX,iY,iZ, omega);
  586             }

In line 585 the function

addExternalVelocityCorner<1,-1,1>(iX,iY,iZ, omega);

should be

addInternalVelocityCorner<1,-1,1>(iX,iY,iZ, omega);

Thank you,