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Reply To: Is that a typo in olb source code


Dear Mathias,

Sorry I don’t understand.

What I know from function olb::BlockGeometryStatistics3D< T >::getType is that discreteNormal determines one boundary node’s type and normal direction. The type of boundary node is defined by discreteNormal[0], e.g. in D3Q19

discreteNormal[0] = 0 means the node lays on faces and has 6 types;
discreteNormal[0] = 1 means external corner node and has 8 types;
discreteNormal[0] = 2 means internal corner node and has 8 types;
discreteNormal[0] = 3 means external edge node and has 12 types;
discreteNormal[0] = 4 means internal edge node and has 12 types;

And in olb::BoundaryConditionInstantiator3D< T, DESCRIPTOR, BoundaryManager >::addVelocityBoundary, we add velocity boundary condition in respect to their types.

If my understanding above is correct, could you please talk more about why we need a special treatment for InternalCornerPNP (discreteNormal=[2,1,-1,1]) only?

Best regards,