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Reply To: Undesired velocity at corner when changing the contact angle in free energy

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Undesired velocity at corner when changing the contact angle in free energy Reply To: Undesired velocity at corner when changing the contact angle in free energy


And I use only 2 lattice in the \microFluidics2d example and deleted all the velocity boundary except inlet1 ( dx, yl1, {0., ny/2.} );

And I used \contactAngle2d to find some h1&h2 for different angles:

h1 = 0.0002948;                  // Contact angle 120 degrees   
h2 = -0.0002948;                  // Contact angle 120 degrees   

h1 = 0.0002048;                  // Contact angle 110 degrees   
h2 = -0.0002048;                  // Contact angle 110 degrees   

h1 = 0.0001448;                  // Contact angle 100 degrees   
h2 = -0.0001448;                  // Contact angle 100 degrees