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Reply To: Undesired velocity at corner when changing the contact angle in free energy

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Undesired velocity at corner when changing the contact angle in free energy Reply To: Undesired velocity at corner when changing the contact angle in free energy


Dear nv4dll,

I probably shouldn’t have used gamma for the surface tension, the value of gama in the code is actually unrelated. Also, the values that I used for the contactAngle2d example were not based upon a physical system so I would not read too much into them.

You are right about how to convert the surface tension into lattice units. So for example for the surface tension of water (0.072 N/m) would give kappa=0.67 for those values.

However you need to be careful, because if kappa is larger than about 0.025 then the simulation will be unstable. So if that physical surface tension value is needed then you will need to change the values in the unit converter initialisation or the resolution.
