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Reply To: Multiphase flow in 3D using FreeEnergy LBM

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB Bug Reports Multiphase flow in 3D using FreeEnergy LBM Reply To: Multiphase flow in 3D using FreeEnergy LBM


Hi Mehrdad,

Would it be possible for you to share your code so that I can take a look to see what may be the cause? There are situations where the outlet boundary condition can become unstable, so that may be the case. However, if it is working in 2D then there may just be an error somewhere. Also, the outlet is not a Dirichlet boundary for phi because it must allow different fluids to pass, so some change is to be expected.

Regarding the uninitialized iC warning, I don’t believe this will be the cause of the issue. The warning seems to be because LatticeCouplingGenerator3D has an iC attribute that is uninitialized in the constructor, whereas the 2D version does not. However, I don’t fully understand the lattice coupling interface, so I simply added a shift function to the example. It would be great if someone else with a better understanding could take a look at this.
