Reply To: Multicomponent flow- water droplet splashing
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › Multicomponent flow- water droplet splashing › Reply To: Multicomponent flow- water droplet splashing
Hello Frank,
Regarding your Young-Laplace question, this is how I did mine.
I simulated a droplet and let it come to rest. The maximum time step that I have allowed for the simulation is 500k, or if it converged. Convergence was done via OpenLB’s ValueTracer using the average energy, over an interval of 100 steps and 1e-5 for the standard deviation.
The young-laplace law is regarding the pressure difference between the center of the drop and the rim of the droplet. For the “center” I used the location of maximum density in the simulation domain. For the “outer edge” I used the liquid density gotten via the Maxwell construction (equal area).