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Reply To: Multicomponent flow- water droplet splashing

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Multicomponent flow- water droplet splashing Reply To: Multicomponent flow- water droplet splashing

František Prinz

Hi Julius,

thank you for your report from the Young-Laplace test.

Does it mean, in the second post, that you didn’t use the Maxwell construction rule? Are the results the same?
I suppose you do not have any significant variation in density far away from the droplet spatial and time dependent.

First I will try to produce the test maybe for the multiphase single component case if I get the convergence here. Maybe are in the multicomponent flow some discrepancies which lead to a bit different procedure maybe.

For the multicomponent case I do not get any convergence for the pressure/density, even I run the simulation for a long time.
