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Reply To: Advection-Diffusion Dirichlet Temperature BC

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Advection-Diffusion Dirichlet Temperature BC Reply To: Advection-Diffusion Dirichlet Temperature BC


I looked at “thermalPorousPlate3d” example. The only difference I can find with this example is the fact that at the corners of the inlet I am imposing a bounce back condition. This will get clearer with the following geometry and bc’s figure. (Geometry and BC’s of the problem)

As you have requested, in the next 2 figures I show the temperature and x-velocity of a slice section of the pipe. As seen in the temperature contour figure, the maximum temperature is around 1.36, while the Dirichlet value imposed is 1.5. (Temperature Contour) (X-Velocity contour)

Thank you,


  • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by ramirofreile.