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Reply To: Undefined reference to function during make

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Undefined reference to function during make Reply To: Undefined reference to function during make


I have already defined the new iniEquilibrium in superLattice2D.h just after the original definition
void iniEquilibrium(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator,
AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& rho, AnalyticalF2D<T,T>& u); by
void iniEquilibrium(FunctorPtr<SuperIndicatorF2D<T>>&& indicator, AnalyticalF2D<T, T>& rho);

and yet the function cannot be identified.

For me the iniEquilibrium should be calculated with density and weight coefficient.