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Reply To: Extract velocity, pressure, and density data on lattices without interpolation

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Extract velocity, pressure, and density data on lattices without interpolation Reply To: Extract velocity, pressure, and density data on lattices without interpolation


Hello Abhijeet,

The functors SuperLatticePhysVelocity2D etc. do not interpolate any data. The interpolation happens when you convert them into analytical functors or when you use some BlockReduction. Also paraview interpolates in its visualization.
You may pass the lattice functors directly to the vtm writer, as it is done e.g. in poiseuille2d. Concerning paraview, you should take care that you watch your functor values precisely at mesh points and not in between. The “point” visualization style helps in doing so.

Similarly to your code snippet for the force, you may also apply the computeU/ computeRho methods of the cell if you want to get the velocity at some specific cell.

Julius J.