Reply To: Liquid-Solid Conjugate Heat Transfer
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › Liquid-Solid Conjugate Heat Transfer › Reply To: Liquid-Solid Conjugate Heat Transfer
Hello, Adrian:
Thank you very much for your reply!
Because there are a lot of documents involved, I have sent the documents to your email.
My model is modified based on Julius Weinmiller’s work, which can be found on
In the code below, I adjust the “Bouzidi” boundary condition to “BounceBack” boundary condition. But the solid part “obstacle” still does not conduct heat.
The following is the main code:
/* OpenLB Extension:
* Phase-change multiphase flow
* Written by Julius Weinmiller for his thesis
* The most recent release of OpenLB can be downloaded at
* <>
/* D2Law.cpp:
* This simulation will combine both AD and NS lattice for a multiphase problem
* A droplet is spended without body forces
* periodic boundaries are applied in all three axis
* The termpature is increased and evaporation rate recorded
* The results of the simulations show that the simulations follow the
* well known D2 evaporative law.
#include “olb2D.h”
#include “olb2D.hh” // include full template code
#include “phaseChangeExtension.h”
#include “phaseChangeExtension.hh”
using namespace olb;
#define ThermalMRT
typedef double SimType;
#define NSDESCRIPTOR olb::descriptors::D2Q9<olb::descriptors::VELOCITY, \
olb::descriptors::FORCE, \
olb::descriptors::EXTERNAL_FORCE, \
#ifdef ThermalMRT
#define TDESCRIPTOR olb::descriptors::D2Q5<olb::descriptors::tag::MRT, \
olb::descriptors::VELOCITY, \
olb::descriptors::PHI_THERMAL, \
olb::descriptors::PREV_T_V, \
#define TDESCRIPTOR olb::descriptors::D2Q5<olb::descriptors::VELOCITY, \
olb::descriptors::PHI_THERMAL, \
olb::descriptors::PREV_T_V, \
// Parameters for the simulation setup
// Resolutions
const int Nx = 100; // spacial resolution of the model
const SimType Nt = 7; // temporal resolution of the model
const SimType physLength = 100e-6; // m
const SimType lx0 = 2*physLength; // length of channel
const SimType ly0 = 2*physLength; // height of channel
const SimType conversionLength = physLength/Nx ;
const SimType sphereRadius = physLength/5.;
const SimType sphereInterfaceWidth = sphereRadius/4;
const SimType sphereOrigin2[2] = {lx0/2., ly0/2.};
const SimType sphereOrigin[2] = {lx0/2., sphereRadius+sphereInterfaceWidth};
const SimType sphereRadius2 = 25*conversionLength;
const SimType sphereInterfaceWidth2 = sphereRadius2/4;
const SimType rhoVapourMultiplier = 1.0;
const SimType rhoLiquidMultiplier = 0.99;
const SimType physViscosity = 1e-5; // m2 / s
const SimType maxVelocity = 20;
const SimType charTime = physLength/maxVelocity;
const SimType endTimeInit = 10*charTime; // Time to allow droplet to come to rest
const SimType endTimeEvap = 2010.0*charTime; // max. simulation time in s, SI unit
const SimType dx = physLength/ Nx;
const SimType dt = charTime/Nx/Nt;
// Thermal constants
const SimType TempCrit = 647; // [K] critical temperature of water in Kelvin
const SimType specificGasConstantVapour = 461.52;
const SimType propertyTemperatureRatio = 0.6;
const SimType physWaterTemp = TempCrit * propertyTemperatureRatio – 273.15;
// Table 8 for thermal conductivity
// Table 4 for specific heat at constant pressure
// Table 1 for density
const SimType physDensityLiquid = 947.13;
const SimType specificHeatCapacityVolumeLiquid = 3.8e3; // J / kg K
const SimType thermalConductivityLiquid = 682e-3; // W / m K
const SimType physDensityVapour = 0.9643;
const SimType specificHeatCapacityVolumeVapour = 2.3e3 – specificGasConstantVapour; // Cv = Cp – Rsp REAL
const SimType thermalConductivityVapour = 31e-3; // W / m K
const SimType liquidDensityRatio = physDensityLiquid/8.72518;
const SimType specificHeatCapacityVolume = 4e3; // J / kg K
const SimType thermalConductivity = 4; // W / m K
const SimType wallRho = 5.0;
const SimType initLiquidHeightFraction = 0.4;
const int iTsmoothUpdate = 10;
const int rhoRampIter = 5000;
const int materialBase = 0;
const int materialFluid = 1;
const int materialLowerWall = 2;
const int materialUpperWall = 3;
const int materialInflow = 4;
const int materialOutflow = 5;
const int materialObstacle = 6;
void prepareGeometry( SuperGeometry2D<SimType>& superGeometry )
OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”prepareGeometry” );
clout << “Prepare Geometry …” << std::endl;
superGeometry.rename( materialBase, materialLowerWall );
Vector<SimType,2> extend( lx0, ly0 );
Vector<SimType,2> origin;
// create fluid and lower wall
superGeometry.rename( materialLowerWall, materialFluid, 0, 1 );
// create upper wall
origin = { 0, ly0-conversionLength };
extend = { lx0, conversionLength };
olb::IndicatorCuboid2D<SimType> upperBC( extend, origin );
superGeometry.rename( materialLowerWall, materialUpperWall, materialFluid, upperBC );
// create inflow
origin = { 0, 0 };
extend = { conversionLength, ly0-conversionLength };
olb::IndicatorCuboid2D<SimType> inflow( extend, origin );
superGeometry.rename( materialFluid, materialInflow, inflow );
// create outflow
origin = { lx0-conversionLength, 0 };
extend = { conversionLength, ly0-conversionLength };
olb::IndicatorCuboid2D<SimType> outflow( extend, origin);
superGeometry.rename( materialFluid, materialOutflow, outflow);
// creat obstacle
origin = { lx0/2-50*conversionLength, ly0/2 };
extend = { 100*conversionLength, 25*conversionLength };
olb:: IndicatorCuboid2D<SimType> obstacle( extend, origin);
superGeometry.rename( materialFluid, materialObstacle, obstacle);
// Removes all not needed boundary voxels outside the surface
// Removes all not needed boundary voxels inside the surface
clout << “Prepare Geometry … OK” << std::endl;
// Set up the geometry of the simulation
void prepareLattice( olb::ThermalUnitConverter<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR, TDESCRIPTOR> const& converter,
olb::SuperLattice2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>& NSlattice,
olb::SuperLattice2D<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>& ADlattice,
olb::Dynamics<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>& bulkDynamics,
olb::Dynamics<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>& advectionDiffusionBulkDynamics,
olb::Dynamics<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>& advectionDiffusionObstacleDynamics,
olb::BounceBack<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>& bounceBackUpperWall,
olb::BounceBack<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>& bounceBackLowerWall,
olb::sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<SimType,TDESCRIPTOR>& TboundaryCondition,
olb::sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<SimType,NSDESCRIPTOR>& NSboundaryCondition,
SuperGeometry2D<SimType>& superGeometry,
SimType TempInitial,
SimType rhoVapor, SimType rhoLiquid )
OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”prepareLattice” );
clout << “Prepare Lattice …” << endl;
const SimType omega = converter.getLatticeRelaxationFrequency();
const SimType Tomega = converter.getLatticeThermalRelaxationFrequency();
clout << “NS omega = ” << omega << endl;
clout << “T omega = ” << Tomega << endl;
auto bulkIndicator = superGeometry.getMaterialIndicator({materialFluid, materialLowerWall, materialUpperWall, materialInflow, materialOutflow, materialObstacle});
auto fluidIndicator = superGeometry.getMaterialIndicator({materialFluid, materialInflow, materialOutflow});
auto wallIndicator = superGeometry.getMaterialIndicator({materialUpperWall, materialLowerWall});
auto obstacleIndicator = superGeometry.getMaterialIndicator({materialObstacle});
clout << “Define NS Dynamics …” << endl;
NSlattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, materialBase, &olb::instances::getNoDynamics<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>() );
NSlattice.defineDynamics( fluidIndicator, &bulkDynamics );
NSlattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, materialUpperWall, &bounceBackUpperWall );
NSlattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, materialLowerWall, &bounceBackLowerWall );
NSlattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, materialObstacle, &olb::instances::getBounceBack<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>() );
clout << “Define AD Dynamics …” << endl;
ADlattice.defineDynamics( superGeometry, materialBase, &olb::instances::getNoDynamics<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>() );
ADlattice.defineDynamics( fluidIndicator, &advectionDiffusionBulkDynamics );
ADlattice.defineDynamics( wallIndicator, &advectionDiffusionBulkDynamics );
ADlattice.defineDynamics( obstacleIndicator, &advectionDiffusionObstacleDynamics );
TboundaryCondition.addTemperatureBoundary(superGeometry, materialUpperWall, Tomega);
TboundaryCondition.addTemperatureBoundary(superGeometry, materialLowerWall, Tomega);
TboundaryCondition.addTemperatureBoundary(superGeometry, materialInflow, Tomega);
TboundaryCondition.addTemperatureBoundary(superGeometry, materialOutflow, Tomega);
clout << “Define Initial Conditions …” << endl;
// Fluid Initial conditions
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> zeroVelocity( 0,0 );
AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> noiseVap( rhoVapor*0.1 );
AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> noiseLiq( rhoLiquid*0.1 );
AnalyticalRandom2D<SimType,SimType> random;
SimType estimatedAdditionalAverageVapour = 2*(wallRho – rhoVapor)*conversionLength/ly0;
clout << “estimatedAdditionalAverageVapour: ” << estimatedAdditionalAverageVapour << std::endl;
// this estimate assumes that 2 full fluid nodes equal to the wall density are needed to compensate for the wall density gradient
// This additional density is then spread over the entire y domain
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> constRhoVapour( rhoVapor+estimatedAdditionalAverageVapour );
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> constRhoLiquid( rhoLiquid * rhoLiquidMultiplier );
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> constRhoUpperBC( rhoVapor );
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> constRhoWall( rhoVapor );
// Temperature Inital Conditions
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> T_init( converter.getLatticeTemperature(TempInitial));
// Random density distribution across inlet
olb::AnalyticalIdentity2D<SimType,SimType> noiseIndicatorVap( random*noiseVap );
olb::AnalyticalIdentity2D<SimType,SimType> noiseIndicatorLiq( random*noiseLiq );
olb::AnalyticalIdentity2D<SimType,SimType> rhoBase( constRhoVapour );
olb::SmoothIndicatorCircle2D<SimType,SimType> sphere( sphereOrigin, sphereRadius, sphereInterfaceWidth);
olb::AnalyticalIdentity2D<SimType,SimType> sphereIndicator( sphere );
olb::AnalyticalIdentity2D<SimType,SimType> rho3( rhoBase + noiseIndicatorVap + sphereIndicator*( constRhoLiquid – constRhoVapour + noiseIndicatorLiq) );
//Initialize all values of distribution functions to their local equilibrium
// Setting initial psi values
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> initialPsi( 1.0 );
NSlattice.defineField<olb::descriptors::PSI_PSEUDO_RHO>( fluidIndicator, initialPsi ) ;
// Fluid init
NSlattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, materialFluid, rho3, zeroVelocity );
NSlattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, materialFluid, rho3, zeroVelocity );
NSlattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, materialUpperWall, constRhoUpperBC, zeroVelocity );
NSlattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, materialUpperWall, constRhoUpperBC, zeroVelocity );
NSlattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, materialLowerWall, constRhoWall, zeroVelocity );
NSlattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, materialLowerWall, constRhoWall, zeroVelocity );
NSlattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, materialInflow, rho3, zeroVelocity );
NSlattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, materialInflow, rho3, zeroVelocity );
NSlattice.defineRhoU( superGeometry, materialOutflow, rho3, zeroVelocity );
NSlattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, materialOutflow, rho3, zeroVelocity );
// Thermal init
ADlattice.defineRho( superGeometry, materialFluid, T_init );
ADlattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, materialFluid, T_init, zeroVelocity );
ADlattice.defineRho( superGeometry, materialUpperWall, T_init );
ADlattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, materialUpperWall, T_init, zeroVelocity );
ADlattice.defineRho( superGeometry, materialLowerWall, T_init );
ADlattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, materialLowerWall, T_init, zeroVelocity );
ADlattice.defineRho( superGeometry, materialInflow, T_init );
ADlattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, materialInflow, T_init, zeroVelocity );
ADlattice.defineRho( superGeometry, materialOutflow, T_init );
ADlattice.iniEquilibrium( superGeometry, materialOutflow, T_init, zeroVelocity );
ADlattice.defineRho( obstacleIndicator, T_init );
ADlattice.iniEquilibrium( obstacleIndicator, T_init, zeroVelocity );
// Make the lattice ready for simulation
clout << “Prepare Lattice … OK” << std::endl;
// Slowly guides wall density to wanted density
void setBoundaryValues( olb::ThermalUnitConverter<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR, TDESCRIPTOR> &converter,
olb::SuperLattice2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>& NSlattice,
olb::SuperLattice2D<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>& ADlattice,
int iT,
SuperGeometry2D<SimType>& superGeometry,
olb::BounceBackVariableRho<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> &bounceBackWall,
SimType wallRhoMax, SimType rhoVapour,
SimType newTempRatio )
olb::OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”setBoundaryValues” );
if ( iT%iTsmoothUpdate==0 ) {
SimType frac[1]= {};
// if below iTmaxStart, get percentage ramp up, else 1
if (iT<= rhoRampIter){
// Smooth start curve, polynomial
olb::PolynomialStartScale<SimType,int> startScale( rhoRampIter, SimType( 1 ) );
int iTvec[1]= {iT};
startScale( frac,iTvec );
else {
frac[0] = 1;
bounceBackWall.setDensity( frac[0]*(wallRhoMax-rhoVapour) + rhoVapour );
// Output to console and files
void getResults( olb::SuperLattice2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>& NSlattice,
olb::SuperLattice2D<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>& ADlattice,
olb::SuperGeometry2D<SimType>& superGeometry,
olb::ThermalUnitConverter<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR, TDESCRIPTOR> &converter,
int iT,
Timer<SimType>& timer,
bool forcedSave=false)
olb::OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”getResults” );
olb::SuperVTMwriter2D<SimType> vtmWriterNS( “fluidLatticeResults” );
olb::SuperLatticePhysVelocity2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> velocity( NSlattice, converter );
olb::SuperLatticeDensity2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> density( NSlattice );
olb::SuperLatticeVelocity2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> latticeVelocity( NSlattice );
olb::SuperLatticePhysPressure2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> pressure( NSlattice, converter );
olb::SuperVTMwriter2D<SimType> vtmWriterThermal( “thermalLatticeResults” );
olb::SuperLatticeDensity2D<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR> latticeTemperature( ADlattice );
olb::SuperLatticePhysTemperature2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR, TDESCRIPTOR> temperature(ADlattice, converter);
vtmWriterNS.addFunctor( velocity );
vtmWriterNS.addFunctor( latticeVelocity );
vtmWriterNS.addFunctor( pressure );
vtmWriterNS.addFunctor( density );
vtmWriterThermal.addFunctor( latticeTemperature );
vtmWriterThermal.addFunctor( temperature );
const int vtkIter = converter.getLatticeTime( 2500*charTime/Nx/Nt );
const int statIter = converter.getLatticeTime( 5000*charTime/Nx/Nt );
const int ppmIter = converter.getLatticeTime( 2500*charTime/Nx/Nt );
if ( iT==0 ) {
// Writes the geometry, cuboid no. and rank no. as vti file for visualization
olb::SuperLatticeGeometry2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> geometry( NSlattice, superGeometry );
olb::SuperLatticeCuboid2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> cuboid( NSlattice );
olb::SuperLatticeRank2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> rank( NSlattice );
vtmWriterNS.write( geometry );
vtmWriterNS.write( cuboid );
vtmWriterNS.write( rank );
// Writes the vtk files
if ( iT%vtkIter==0 || forcedSave) {
vtmWriterNS.write( iT );
vtmWriterThermal.write( iT );
// Writes the ppm files
if ( iT%ppmIter==0 || (iT<=50 && (iT%10==0) ) || forcedSave) {
olb::BlockReduction2D2D<SimType> planeReductionRho( density );
olb::BlockReduction2D2D<SimType> planeReductionT( temperature );
olb::heatmap::plotParam<SimType> thermalPlotParam; = “physTemperature”;
thermalPlotParam.minValue = converter.getCharPhysLowTemperature()-10;
thermalPlotParam.maxValue = converter.getCharPhysHighTemperature()+10;
// write output as JPEG
olb::heatmap::write(planeReductionRho, iT);
olb::heatmap::write(planeReductionT, iT, thermalPlotParam);
// Writes output on the console
if ( iT%statIter==0 || forcedSave ) {
// Timer console output
timer.update( iT );
// Lattice statistics console output
NSlattice.getStatistics().print( iT,converter.getPhysTime( iT ) );
void writeGeometry( olb::SuperLattice2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>& NSlattice,
olb::SuperGeometry2D<SimType>& superGeometry)
olb::SuperVTMwriter2D<SimType> vtmWriter( “d2law2D” );
// Writes the geometry, cuboid no. and rank no. as vti file for visualization
olb::SuperLatticeGeometry2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> geometry( NSlattice, superGeometry );
olb::SuperLatticeCuboid2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> cuboid( NSlattice );
olb::SuperLatticeRank2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> rank( NSlattice );
vtmWriter.write( geometry );
vtmWriter.write( cuboid );
vtmWriter.write( rank );
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
// === 1st Step: Initialization ===
bool verbosity = false;
olb::olbInit( &argc, &argv, verbosity );
olb::OstreamManager clout( std::cout,”main” );
// == Define simulations constants
const SimType sigma = 0.35;
const SimType eosA = 0.5/49.0;
std::vector<SimType> rho0 ={1.0};
const SimType G = -1;
SimType molarMass = 18.0152;
const SimType temperatureRatio = 0.7;
const SimType newTempRatio = 0.8;
SimType physThermalConductivity;
for( physThermalConductivity = 100.0e-3; physThermalConductivity<=500.01e-3; physThermalConductivity+=200.0e-3 ){
std::ostringstream outputDirStream;
outputDirStream << std::setprecision(3);
outputDirStream << “./results2D/”;
mkdir( outputDirStream.str().c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH );
outputDirStream << “lambda_” << physThermalConductivity << “/”;
olb::singleton::directories().setOutputDir( outputDirStream.str() );
// === 2nd Step: Prepare Geometry ===
olb::Vector<SimType,2> extend( lx0, ly0 );
olb::Vector<SimType,2> origin;
olb::IndicatorCuboid2D<SimType> cuboid( extend, origin );
// Instantiation of a cuboidGeometry with weights
const int noOfCuboids = olb::singleton::mpi().getSize();
const int noOfCuboids = 1;
olb::CuboidGeometry2D<SimType> cuboidGeometry( cuboid, conversionLength, noOfCuboids );
cuboidGeometry.setPeriodicity( false, false );
// Instantiation of a loadBalancer
olb::HeuristicLoadBalancer<SimType> loadBalancer( cuboidGeometry );
// Instantiation of a superGeometry
olb::SuperGeometry2D<SimType> superGeometry( cuboidGeometry, loadBalancer, 2 );
prepareGeometry( superGeometry );
// === 3rd Step: Prepare Lattice ===
olb::SuperLattice2D<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR> ADlattice(superGeometry);
olb::SuperLattice2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> NSlattice(superGeometry);
writeGeometry(NSlattice, superGeometry);
// Pseudopotential multiphase single component dynamics
// A dimensionless R is needed to recover correct latent heat
SimType Rdimless = 8314.0/molarMass /(dx*dx/dt/dt) * TempCrit;
olb::PengRobinsonExt<SimType,SimType> interactionPotential( G, 0.3443, eosA, 2./21., temperatureRatio, Rdimless );
SimType rho[2];
olb::MaxwellConstruction<SimType, decltype(interactionPotential)> maxwellConstruction( interactionPotential );
maxwellConstruction(rho, temperatureRatio); //temperatureRatio
SimType densityLatticeVapour = rho[1];
SimType densityLatticeLiquid = rho[0];
clout << “Density liquid: ” << densityLatticeLiquid << std::endl;
clout << “Density vapour: ” << densityLatticeVapour << std::endl;
// == Define converter
olb::ThermalUnitConverter<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR, TDESCRIPTOR> converter(
(SimType) dx, // physDeltaX: spacing between two lattice cells in __m__
(SimType) dt, // physDeltaT = charLatticeVelocity / charPhysVelocity * dx
(SimType) physLength, // charPhysLength: reference length of simulation geometry
(SimType) maxVelocity, // charPhysVelocity: maximal/highest expected velocity during simulation in __m / s__
(SimType) physViscosity, // physViscosity: physical kinematic viscosity in __m^2 / s__
(SimType) liquidDensityRatio, // physDensity: physical density in __kg / m^3__
(SimType) thermalConductivity, // physThermalConductivity
(SimType) specificHeatCapacityVolume, // specificHeatCapacity
(SimType) 0.0, // physThermalExpansionCoefficient
(SimType) temperatureRatio*TempCrit, // charPhysLowTemperature
(SimType) newTempRatio*TempCrit // charPhysHighTemperature
// Prints the converter log as console output
olb::FluidProperties<SimType> fluidProperties(
densityLatticeVapour, densityLatticeLiquid,
converter.getLatticeSpecificHeatCapacity( specificHeatCapacityVolume ),
converter.getLatticeSpecificHeatCapacity( specificHeatCapacityVolume ),
converter.getLatticeThermalConductivity( physThermalConductivity ),
converter.getLatticeThermalConductivity( physThermalConductivity ),
converter.getCharPhysLowTemperature(), converter.getCharPhysHighTemperature(), TempCrit );
// Modified Guo forcing dynamics
olb::ForcedModifiedGuoBGKdynamics<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> fluidSimulationDynamics (
olb::instances::getBulkMomenta<SimType,NSDESCRIPTOR>(), sigma
// Modified Advection Diffusion dynamics
olb::Dynamics<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>* thermalSimulationDynamics;
olb::Dynamics<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>* obstacleThermalSimulationDynamics;
#ifdef ThermalMRT
thermalSimulationDynamics = new olb::PseudopotentialAdvectionDiffusionMRTdynamics<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>(
obstacleThermalSimulationDynamics = new olb::PseudopotentialAdvectionDiffusionMRTdynamics<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>(
thermalSimulationDynamics = new olb::PseudopotentialAdvectionDiffusionBGKdynamics<SimType, TDESCRIPTOR>(
// boundary condition
olb::sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<SimType,TDESCRIPTOR> TboundaryCondition(ADlattice);
// A bounce-back node with fictitious density
// which is experienced by the partner fluid
olb::BounceBackVariableRho<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> bounceBackUpperWall(densityLatticeVapour);
// A bounce-back node with fictitious density
// which is experienced by the partner fluid
olb::BounceBackVariableRho<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> bounceBackLowerWall(densityLatticeVapour);
olb::sOnLatticeBoundaryCondition2D<SimType,NSDESCRIPTOR> NSboundaryCondition(NSlattice);
prepareLattice( converter,
NSlattice, ADlattice,
fluidSimulationDynamics, *thermalSimulationDynamics,
bounceBackUpperWall, bounceBackLowerWall,
TboundaryCondition, NSboundaryCondition,
TempCrit * temperatureRatio,
densityLatticeVapour, densityLatticeLiquid );
// === 4th Step: Prepare Lattice Coupling
olb::LatticeCouplingGenerator2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR> *thermalMultiphaseCoupling;
#ifdef ThermalMRT
thermalMultiphaseCoupling = new olb::CombinedShanChenThermalMRTCouplingGenerator2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>(
0, converter.getLatticeLength(lx0),
0, converter.getLatticeLength(ly0),
G, converter.getLatticeThermalRelaxationFrequency(),
0, 0, {0,1},
fluidProperties, interactionPotential);
thermalMultiphaseCoupling = new olb::CombinedShanChenThermalCouplingGenerator2D<SimType, NSDESCRIPTOR>(
0, converter.getLatticeLength(lx0),
0, converter.getLatticeLength(ly0),
G, converter.getLatticeThermalRelaxationFrequency(),
0, 0, {0,1},
fluidProperties, interactionPotential);
NSlattice.addLatticeCoupling(*thermalMultiphaseCoupling, ADlattice);
// === 5th Step: Main Loop with Timer ===
clout << “starting simulation…” << endl;
olb::util::Timer<SimType> timer( converter.getLatticeTime( endTimeEvap ), superGeometry.getStatistics().getNvoxel() );
int latticeInitTime = converter.getLatticeTime( endTimeInit );
//setBoundaryValues( converter, NSlattice, ADlattice, 0, superGeometry, temperatureRatio);
getResults(NSlattice, ADlattice, superGeometry, converter, 0, timer );
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> zeroVelocity( 0,0 );
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> T_const( converter.getLatticeTemperature(TempCrit * temperatureRatio));
// ******************the first loop******************
for ( int iT = 0; iT < latticeInitTime; ++iT ){
// === 6th Step: Definition of Initial and Boundary Conditions ===
setBoundaryValues( converter, NSlattice, ADlattice, iT, superGeometry, bounceBackLowerWall, wallRho, densityLatticeVapour, temperatureRatio);
// === 7th Step: Collide and Stream Execution ===
// === Reset temperature field
ADlattice.defineRho(superGeometry, materialFluid, T_const);
ADlattice.iniEquilibrium(superGeometry, materialFluid, T_const, zeroVelocity);
ADlattice.defineRho(superGeometry, materialInflow, T_const);
ADlattice.iniEquilibrium(superGeometry, materialInflow, T_const, zeroVelocity);
ADlattice.defineRho(superGeometry, materialOutflow, T_const);
ADlattice.iniEquilibrium(superGeometry, materialOutflow, T_const, zeroVelocity);
// === 8th Step: Computation and Output of the Results ===
getResults(NSlattice, ADlattice, superGeometry, converter, iT+1, timer );
if ( std::isnan( NSlattice.getStatistics().getAverageRho() ) ) {
clout << “Terminating this run at step ” << iT+1 << ” => density is NAN” << std::endl;
getResults(NSlattice, ADlattice, superGeometry, converter, iT+1, timer, true );
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> T_new( converter.getLatticeTemperature(TempCrit * newTempRatio));
olb::AnalyticalConst2D<SimType,SimType> T_newHigher( converter.getLatticeTemperature(TempCrit * 0.9));
ADlattice.defineRho(superGeometry, materialUpperWall, T_new);
ADlattice.defineRho(superGeometry, materialLowerWall, T_new);
ADlattice.defineRho(superGeometry, materialInflow, T_newHigher);
ADlattice.defineRho(superGeometry, materialOutflow, T_new);
// ******************the second loop******************
for ( int iT = latticeInitTime; iT < converter.getLatticeTime( endTimeEvap ); ++iT ) {
// === 6th Step: Definition of Initial and Boundary Conditions ===
// === 7th Step: Collide and Stream Execution ===
// === 8th Step: Computation and Output of the Results ===
getResults(NSlattice, ADlattice, superGeometry, converter, iT+1, timer );
if ( std::isnan( NSlattice.getStatistics().getAverageRho() ) ) {
clout << “Terminating this run at step ” << iT+1 << ” => density is NAN” << std::endl;
getResults(NSlattice, ADlattice, superGeometry, converter, iT+1, timer, true );
delete thermalSimulationDynamics; // free previous alloc to avoid memory leak
delete thermalMultiphaseCoupling;
} // end for loop