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Reply To: component velocity in Shanchen multicomponent model

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics component velocity in Shanchen multicomponent model Reply To: component velocity in Shanchen multicomponent model


Thanks for your reply.
As described in “The Lattice Boltzmann Method:Principle and Practice”(Chapter 6) by Timm Kruger and the paper you mentioned, Guo’s force is used for the single phase flow. However, for the multiphase flow, Tim Kruger pointed that the barycentric velocity Ub should be used (Chapter 9, Page 382,eq(9.124)). This velocity should be same for both components (Page 383,eq(9.127)), i.e.,Ueq=Ub.
In openlb, the ForcedBGKdynamics, the snippet in member collid is simply: u+=force/2, not corrected with the density averaged force. This also makes the component Ueq different.