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Reply To: How to set the degrees of freedom of the particle in HLBM

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics How to set the degrees of freedom of the particle in HLBM Reply To: How to set the degrees of freedom of the particle in HLBM


Dear Nicolas,

Thank you for answering my question!I have already update to v 1.5 and read the new cpp.

I have an idea that I think may work this well. When I want the particle to moving along x-axis,I can reset the particle’s velocity in y and z-axis to 0 before the collide and stream step. Therefore, when the particle is about to move, it only has the velcity in x-axis. Will my idea work? Could the fuction setVelToAnalyticalVel (AnalyticalConst3D< T, T > &) useful to this?
