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Reply To: How to set the degrees of freedom of the particle in HLBM

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics How to set the degrees of freedom of the particle in HLBM Reply To: How to set the degrees of freedom of the particle in HLBM


Dear Evan,

if you want to set the position of the particle, you can access the corresponding field directly. The following should work:

// get particle via id (starts from 0)
Particle<T, PARTICLETYPE> particle = particleSystem.get(particleID);
// set modified position
// you can use a similar method "getField" to get the content of the field
particle.template setField<GENERAL,POSITION>( modifiedPosition );

However, in my opinion it would be best to change the particle’s position before the coupling from the particle to the fluid via couple_particles_to_lattice. Therefore, you might have to separate the execution of the particleManager or even call the specified steps without it.


  • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by jan.