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Reply To: Accessing a non-local Cell value in parallel mode

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Accessing a non-local Cell value in parallel mode Reply To: Accessing a non-local Cell value in parallel mode


There is no generally performance efficient way for accessing arbitrary global cell data in arbitrary processes. As such our Super Lattice class doesn’t offer such functionality. The common approach for accessing neighboring data of other processes is to set the block overlap and communicators to provide the necessary neighborhood radius. This is the approach used for e.g. all interpolated boundary conditions in OpenLB.

If you want to aggregate data for some other purpose we have a selection of block reduction functors that might fit the bill.

If you tell me more about the requirements of your particular boundary condition, I will very likely be able to illuminate you a way of achieving this in OpenLB without breaking the underlying block decomposition and responsiblity scheme.

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Adrian.