Reply To: Accessing a non-local Cell value in parallel mode
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › Accessing a non-local Cell value in parallel mode › Reply To: Accessing a non-local Cell value in parallel mode
Hi Adrian,
Thanks for your reply.
I am working in the 1.4 version, mainly because I have several custom functions for my problem already in the 1.4 format, which would require some adaptation to the new version.
I have a thermal turbulent application, and I was looking for a periodic BC in the first portion of my domain, so that the flow develops. Basically a periodic BC between the pipe inlet and a pipe slice of the domain at a certain distance (both planes would have the same normal).
So far I implemented PostProcessor which attempts a periodic BC between these two slices, using two material indicators. The problem is that when I identify the corresponding lattice coordinates of the node (upstream or downstream), I am unable to access the cell data.
I am currently looking at blockreduction functors as you suggested to see if I can solve the issue.
Thank you,
Ramiro Freile