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Reply To: New Particle Collision Model 0penLB 1.6


Dear Jijo,

I agree, that part is advanced. Let me break it down:
1. solidBoundaries is an std::vector of solid boundaries (walls). In this case we only have one, but we can have as many as we like. This can be useful if the walls are made of different materials, or if we want to make sure that contacts in a corner or on an edge are detected separately.
2. In the call of the push_back method, we create an instance of a SolidBoundary and add it to the above mentioned vector.
3. The SolidBoundary is created from a unique pointer of an IndicatorF, a latticeMaterial, a contactMaterial and an optional enlargement solely for the contact treatment.

With this in mind, it may be a little easier to understand. The last two entries are the material numbers. The 2 is the one used on the lattice, e.g. in prepareLattice to set the fluid boundary conditions. The second, the wallContactMaterial, is used to identify the wall properties during the contact treatment. As indicated above. Walls can be of different materials but you are likely to use the same boundary condition for the fluid interaction. Therefore the latticeMaterial could be the same but the contactMaterial is different.

The first parameter, which is probably the most complex looking one, is a simple unique pointer to an indicator that describes the geometry of the wall. Here we use the inverse of a cuboid, which describes the fluid domain. This means that the wall contains everything except the fluid. This is done by the first argument of IndicInverse. The other two arguments take the new min and max values. If we didn’t set them manually and just used the min and max of the fluid, the wall would have a thickness of 0, which would probably cause problems with the distance calculations during the contact treatment.

Kind regards,