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Reply To: channel3d in olb1.6 and olb1.5


Dear Fuxin,

I tested the channel3d case with your ReTau, U and Nu with the following wall model parameters:
const int rhoMethod = 2; // method for density reconstruction
// 0: Zou-He
// 1: extrapolation
// 2: constant
const int fneqMethod = 3; // method for fneq reconstruction
// 0: regularized NEBB (Latt)
// 1: extrapolation NEQ (Guo Zhaoli)
// 2: regularized second order finite Differnce
// 3: equilibrium scheme
const int wallProfile = 1; // wallfunction profile
// 0: Musker profile
// 1: power law profile

In olb 1.5 and 1.6 I have seen the same results. The simulation diverges after some time, but if you choose a fine enough resolution it will converge I think.

Best regards