Reply To: channel3d in olb1.6 and olb1.5
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › channel3d in olb1.6 and olb1.5 › Reply To: channel3d in olb1.6 and olb1.5
Dear Fedor
I also hope very much to attend the spring school and communicate with you who are excellent, but I can only communicate with you here because of the distance. If in my reference poiseuille3d.h SuperLatticePhysWallShearStress3D < T, DESCRIPTOR > & WSS added to the channel3d to output shear stress, can I change the original these to this correct:
poiseuille3d.h :
// set up size-increased indicator and instantiate wall shear stress functor (wss)
Vector<T, 3> center0Extended(-converter.getPhysDeltaX() * 0.2, radius, radius);
Vector<T, 3> center1Extended(length, radius, radius);
if (flowType == forced) {
center0Extended[0] -= 4.*converter.getPhysDeltaX();
center1Extended[0] += 4.*converter.getPhysDeltaX();
IndicatorCylinder3D<T> pipeExtended(center0Extended, center1Extended, radius);
IndicatorLayer3D<T> indicatorExtended (pipeExtended, 0.9*converter.getConversionFactorLength()*N/11.);
SuperLatticePhysWallShearStress3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> wss(sLattice, superGeometry, 2, converter, indicatorExtended);
// set up size-increased indicator and instantiate wall shear stress functor (wss)
Vector<T, 3> originExtended(-converter.getPhysDeltaX() , 0, 0);
Vector<T,3> extendExtended(lx+converter.getPhysDeltaX(), ly, adaptedPhysSimulatedLength);
IndicatorCuboid3D<T> cubiodExtended(extendExtended, originExtended );
IndicatorLayer3D<T> indicatorExtended (cubiodExtended, 0.9*converter.getConversionFactorLength()*N/11.);
SuperLatticePhysWallShearStress3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> wss(sLattice, superGeometry, 2, converter, indicatorExtended);
I have two questions, first: what is the function of the setting of “0.9*converter.getConversionFactorLength()*N/11.”. Second: Is the wss I output like this “tau_w_ini_scaled” in the channel?
Fuxin He