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Reply To: Simulation giving out: absoluteErrorL2(line)=0.0981649 and relativeErrorL2(line)

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Simulation giving out: absoluteErrorL2(line)=0.0981649 and relativeErrorL2(line) Reply To: Simulation giving out: absoluteErrorL2(line)=0.0981649 and relativeErrorL2(line)


I mean by the message that, the Cavity2D example is in Laminar Form and I want to change it in Turbulent Form and so I made some changes in the code:

1st Change:
using DESCRIPTOR = D2Q9<>;
using BulkDynamics = ConstRhoBGKdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>;

#define USE_SMAGORINSKY //default

2nd Change:
// Material=1 –>bulk dynamics
//sLattice.defineDynamics<BulkDynamics>(superGeometry, 1);
using BulkDynamics = SmagorinskyBGKdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>;
sLattice.defineDynamics<BulkDynamics>(superGeometry, 1);

and so I am an error message:

[ValueTracer] average=0.000966059; stdDev/average=0.00105275
[main] Simulation converged.
[LatticeStatistics] step=133153; t=53.2612; uMax=0.16; avEnergy=0.000968583; avRho=0.988066
[Timer] step=133153; percent=26.6306; passedTime=3119.43; remTime=8594.28; MLUPs=6.68937
We could not find a gnuplot distribution at your system.
We still write the data files s.t. you can plot the data yourself.
We could not find a gnuplot distribution at your system.
We still write the data files s.t. you can plot the data yourself.
[getResults] absoluteErrorL2(line)=0.0278967; relativeErrorL2(line)=0.281255
[Timer] —————-Summary:Timer—————-
[Timer] measured time (rt) : 3120.689s
[Timer] measured time (cpu): 3104.719s
[Timer] average MLUPs : 6.861
[Timer] average MLUPps: 6.861
[Timer] ———————————————

So is there any solution for that? Or there is there any other way to change Cavity2D in Turbulent Form. If there please suggest.