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Re: Aorta3D application


Yes I have similar concern of the setting of inflow and outflow. Could you please tell what are the parameter representing inside the brackets? Is it (x, y, z, out-direction,in-direction ,out-direction, radius)?rnrn

IndicatorCircle3D<bool,T> inflow( 0.218125 ,0.249987-2.*converter.getLatticeL() ,0.0234818, 0., -1.,0., 0.0112342+2*converter.getLatticeL() );rnIndicatorCircle3D<bool,T> outflow0(0.2053696,0.0900099+2.*converter.getLatticeL(),0.0346537, 0.,1.,0., 0.0054686+2*converter.getLatticeL() );

rnrnI am quite confused with the (0, -1, 0). Are they representing planes of inflow and outflow? Do we need to add the angle if they are not normal plane?rnrnThank you. rnrnrn