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Re: Cannot compile the examples using “make” with Cygwin (no object file)

OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code Forums on OpenLB General Topics Cannot compile the examples using “make” with Cygwin (no object file) Re: Cannot compile the examples using “make” with Cygwin (no object file)


Hi WopenLB,rnrnI’ve tried to reproduce your error, but failed. (Un)fortunately everything’s compiling without errors on my side. So I have to guess. From your last error :rn””Fatal error: can’t create /cygdrive/d/Research01/SRV_resonance/LBcode/OpenLB/olb-1.0r0/examples/cylinder2d/cylinder2d.o: No such file or directory””,rni guess that for some reason the file cylinder2d.o can not be created. Possible reasons are:rnrn- The folder /cygdrive/d/Research01/SRV_resonance/LBcode/OpenLB/olb-1.0r0/examples/cylinder2d does not exist.rn- You do not have permission to write in that folder.rn- You do not have enough free disk space.rnrnFrom one of the earlier posts I see that you’re using mingw as compiler. OpenLB is not tested with mingw. So execute the cygwin setup again and when you get to “”select packages”” enter “”g++”” and uninstall mingw64* and everything else and install gcc-g++. When you’re at it also install wget.rnrnAfter that remove the entire OpenLB folder to make sure you get a clean setup and follow my lead:rn$ wget I just saw that the forum is adding an http:// after the wget. Don’t type that it leads to an error. Start with www. [/Edit]rnrn$ tar -xf olb-1.0r0.tgzrnrn$ cd olb-1.0r0rnrn$ makernrnHope that everything works.rnrnCheersrnThomasrnrn