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Re: Changing Geometry


Hi ivan,rnrnincreasing the value for lx1 inrnconst T lx1 = 5.0; // length of steprnshould move the step further from the inlet, or did you mean something else?rnrnFor the cylinder2d example it is possible to add more obstacles by creating more IndicatorCylinder2D objects. At line 84 of the example the existing obstacle is defined. You can add more round obstacles by insertingrnVector<T,2> center1(0.2,0.2); rnIndicatorCircle2D<T> circle(center1, 0.1);,rnjust change the values for the center and the radius (here 0.1). It is also possible to define rectangular obstacles byrnVector<T,2> center2(0.1,0.1); rnVector<T,2> extend1(0.2,0.14);rnIndicatorCuboid2D<T> cube(extend1,center2);.rnThis gives gives a cube 0.2 by 0.14. To apply the constructed obstacle for the simulation addrnsuperGeometry.rename(1,5,cube);rnas for the original obstacle in line 101 of the example. In this case the material numbers 1 will be set to 5 at every node occupied by the obstacle cube. The material numbers are used to assign e.g. boundary conditions to certain areas of the geometry. In cylinder2d everything with material number 5 is treated as obstacle.rnrnbestrnrobin