Re: Comparing MATLAB results with OpenLB results
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › General Topics › Comparing MATLAB results with OpenLB results › Re: Comparing MATLAB results with OpenLB results
November 26, 2016 at 8:57 pm
Quote from josepedro on October 6, 2015, 21:30
Dear forum users,rnrnI want to know if anyone have had some tests comparing LBM wrote in Matlab and Openlb.rnrnI got this results:rn show that Matlab is more acuracy that Openlb. Is it true? If yes why?rnrnSincerely,rnJosé Pedro
Dear forum users,rnrnI want to know if anyone have had some tests comparing LBM wrote in Matlab and Openlb.rnrnI got this results:rn show that Matlab is more acuracy that Openlb. Is it true? If yes why?rnrnSincerely,rnJosé Pedro
Dear mJose,
Were you trying to simulate multiphase flow in MATLAB
Even i am trying to implement LBM multiphase in MATLAB, But i am facing problems in implementing the forcing term.
I know that this is not revelant to the topic but I din find anyone else wokring on MATLAB for LBM
Looking foward for the response.