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Re: Free-Slip Boundary Condition – Implementation Doubts


Hi Alejandro,rnrn

It seems that “”advectionDiffusionBoundayPostProcessiorXD.h/hh”” it is only implemented in 3D, right?

rnThis is correct, but for 2D it should be possible to do an analogue implementation.rnrn

the grad(U)*n = 0 (0 is the zero vector)

rnWasn’t that just what you wanted? In your first post you wrote:rn

2. von Neumann boundary condition : The gradient of the velocity normal to the wall is zero

rnSo for free slip you want something similiar (replacing the vector n with a vector tangential to the surface), or am I wrong?rnrn

it seems that the nodes residing in the overlap region could not be implemented as a Slip-Boundary-Condition. Does someone know how to “”fix”” or overcome this problem?

rnIf you refer to the “”could not add boundary”” messages in the beginning, this shouldn’t be a problem, since computations on the overlap are not required, hence no boundary condition has to be applied.rnrnBest regardsrnRobin