Re: MPI run — pvd file fault
OpenLB – Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code › Forums › on OpenLB › Bug Reports › MPI run — pvd file fault › Re: MPI run — pvd file fault
With mpich-3.1.3, openLB 1.1r0 has the same problem when running in parallel.
“Error parsing XML in stream at line 25, column 7, byte index 4045797: not well-formed(invalid token)” …
The example is multiComponent2d.
Hi Kai,
can you paste your and make sure that you used a MPI frontend compiler, e.g. mpic++ or mpiCC and used the MPI mode.
In the following two lines are important:
CXX := mpic++
After making sure that these are the only CXX and PARALLEL_MODE lines that are not prefixed with a # go to examples/multComponent2d and call:
make clean cleanbuild && make && mpirun -np 4 ./rayleighTaylor2d
This should make sure that the code is built with MPI support and that the code is run in parallel through MPI. If you still see the problem please paste the file so that we can continue searching the problem.